Policy and Procedures Ian S Burnett Student Research Culture Session – 29 April 2009
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 2 Everyone has a responsibility… The University The School Your Supervisor YOU!!! Code of Practice - Research Degree Supervision at RMIT ( RMIT Rights and Responsibilities of Students (
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 3 Some of your responsibilities Enrolment: Provide accurate information at enrolment Enrol online in November to continue your studies the next year Remember late enrolment will result in a $175 fine! Maintain Contact Details Update your mailing address and emergency contact details if they change Regularly check your RMIT address (or forward it to your personal account)
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 4 Know RMIT’s Polices and Procedures on: Occupational Health and Safety Follow safe study/research practices relevant to the field of research and health and safety guidelines in places of study and work at all times Ethics Be aware of any necessary ethics approvals before you begin data collection and make sure you collect data in the manner approved by the Ethics Committees Intellectual Property Understand RMIT’s policy on intellectual property and how it may affect your research Plagiarism and Authorship Give credit when due and in the proper way Other policies on Discrimination, Bullying etc
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 5 Components of your Candidature Research Methods Every student is required to successfully complete a research methods course, normally in the first semester of enrolment (credit/exemption is possible) Confirmation of Candidature completed in 2 stages: 1 – Approval of Research Proposal 2 – Confirmation Seminar and written component Progress Reports All students must submit a Progress Report every 6 months, regardless of study mode (ie. full time or part time) This is your opportunity to reflect on your progress and bring to your Supervisor and the School’s attention any issues you are having.
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 6 Candidature Timelines
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 7 Varying your Candidature Any changes must be approved by your School Change of Study Mode (Full time to Part Time, Part Time to Full Time) Leave of Absence Change of Supervisor Change of Project/Thesis Title Extension to Candidature
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 8 Relationship With Your Supervisor Keep regular contact with your supervisor (ie weekly meetings) Maintain the progress of your work in accordance with the stages as discussed and agreed with your supervisor Take the initiative in raising problems or difficulties you encounter in your research and propose and discuss solutions to these with your supervisor Discuss any plans to take leave with your supervisor and get approval in advance Manage your Supervisor!!
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 9 Your Supervisor’s Responsibilities Be familiar with the policies and regulations for Higher Degrees by Research Provide you with guidance to ensure you comply with University policies and procedures, including: - Research and professional standards expected - Management of candidature - Ethics - Intellectual property - Collaborative research with industry Give you advice on appropriate research methods and techniques Ensure that you have adequate access to the human and physical resources needed to conduct your research Offer you guidance about the productive use of time, particularly in the first year of candidature
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 10 Supervisors are also required to: Act as a panel member at your Confirmation and PhD Completion Seminars Work with you to set targets and milestones and provide you with guidance and direction to ensure these are met Ensure that your work is of an appropriate standard, is properly presented, conforms to the HDR Policy and Procedures and is ready for examination Nominate appropriate examiners for your thesis
Don’t sit back and expect the world to come to you... Higher Degrees are about moving from undergraduate studies to ‘you’ leading and determining what and where you are going But with great power comes great responsibility That means that YOU are responsible for the direction, achievements, milestones Travel to conferences but think about the quality and which ones will give the most benefit Think about resources, plan ahead – YOU are the researcher and you have the best insight Use the opportunity as training for YOUR future RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 11
RMIT University©2009 College of Science, Engineering and Technology 12 Good luck But you make your own luck!