U.S. History Group Project
In the remaining weeks of school, you, the students, will be put in the position of teacher. You will be broken up into groups and each group will be assigned a section of a chapter in the textbook. You will be responsible for learning the material in that section and teaching it to the rest of the class. You will make a quiz, make test questions, and give notes to the class over your section.
As a “teacher” groups will Read and learn the material in their assigned sections Work as a group to write notes over their assigned sections Create a powerpoint (or other similar presentation) to help the students teach the class Work as a group to teach the class their assigned sections Work as a group to create a 10 question quiz over the material they will teach Work as a group to create 5 multiple choice questions over their assigned section
As a student” Pay attention and take notes Ask questions when needed Learn the material assigned Take (and pass) quizzes written by other groups Take (and pass) a test over each chapter
Grades This grade will be given to me by the other members of your group: Participation- how well you worked with the group and how much of the “group work” you contributed to (this will be your grade, instead of taking the “quiz” you will give to the class)
Rubric is as follows… Teaching skills 30 points Notes given 20 points Powerpoint 20 points Quiz 15 points Multiple Choice Questions 15 points
Teaching Skills -“teachers” were knowledgeable about what they were teaching and were able to answer questions about their content (15 pts) - everyone in the group taught at least 1 part of the section (15 pts)
Notes given - the notes given to the class were detailed (10 pts) - the notes were easy to understand and easy to study (10 pts)
PowerPoint - includes the notes given to the class (5 pts) - helped keep the “teachers” on track with the teaching (5 pts) -included visual aids to help students understand (5 pts) -easy to understand (5 pts)
Quiz -10 questions (5 pts) - questions accurately test student understanding of the “big ideas” of the section (not 10 super easy questions) (5 pts) - Answer Key provided to Mrs. Akins (5 pts)
Multiple Choice Questions - 5 questions with answer choices (A, B, C, and D) (5 pts) - questions accurately test student understanding of the “big ideas” of the section (not 5 super easy questions) (5 pts) - answer key provided to Mrs. Akins (5 pts)
When teaching, pay special attention to: Names (make sure you discuss the importance of the people) Events (make sure you discuss the importance of the big events) Vocabulary Words (make sure you define them while you are teaching)
Hints: When you are done teaching, your students should be able to answer the “checkpoints” and the section review questions, so make sure you include that information in your notes somewhere Look at the standards listed at the beginning of each section so you know what the students are responsible for learning After everyone reads the section, try breaking it up into “chunks” for each person to teach. That person can be responsible for writing the notes for their chunk and for deciding what goes in the powerpoint for that section. That way, when they teach it, they’ve worked with the information several times before. After you write your notes, try looking at them like a student, and try to figure out the answers to questions students might ask.
Remember: You’re not doing this alone. Mrs. Akins is in the room with you, if you don’t understand something you are supposed to be teaching, come talk to her. Mrs. Akins will help you with any part of this project you need help on, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s the effort that counts. So try your best.
Timing Each group will prepare their “teaching” at the same time. Students will be given: 1 class day to read and discuss the section 1 class day to write the notes, quiz, and multiple choice questions and discuss the powerpoint 1 class day in the computer lab to make the powerpoint and type the notes, quiz and questions
“Turn in Dates” Students will need to turn in the notes and quiz to Mrs. Akins no later than two days before they will teach their section, so she can review them The powerpoint should be ed or given via flashdrive to Mrs. Akins by the day BEFORE you teach The multiple choice questions can be given to Mrs. Akins on the day you teach.
Timeline for Chapter 17 Thursday- Read and discuss Friday- write notes, quiz questions, multiple choice questions, discuss powerpoint, and decide who will do what in the computer lab on Monday Monday- computer lab (Section 1 group turns in notes and quiz) Tuesday- finishing touches/practice Wednesday- teaching begins
Teaching Days Chapter 17 Section 1- Wednesday Section 2- Thursday Section 3- Friday Section 4- Monday Open note test- Tuesday