Approaches to (Second) Language Acquisition
Behaviorism (Theory) tabula rasa (to be filled with language material) children learn language by imitation; Stimulus (or a lack of stimulus) prompts learners to imitate what has been heard; Stimulus – response Pavlov Skinner
The LAD Theory Chomsky; part of the nativist perspective; learners have a language acquisition device (LAD); a brain structure that consists of neural wiring; innate ability to know the structure and rules of a language;
Innatism Language is acquired through an innate ability; Innatism lead to Universal Grammar - innate knowledge of the rules and principles found in every language; The notion of Universal Grammar may not be applicable to second language learners.
Interactionist focuses on social interactions between L2 learners and the target language speakers; interactions give the L2 learners feedback on both correct and incorrect language usage; environment,; modified interaction
Critical Period Hypothesis Natural language acquisition – the ages of 2-12 (years old); Brain - –before age 2 the brain in not ready; –after the age of 12 the brain looses its plasticity; The Critical Period Hypothesis limits both native language learning (L1) and second language learning (L2).