Warm Ups
Use Your Senses Write what you see. Write what’s obvious or not, what’s ordinary or strange. Write about memories an object evokes for you. Write about the kind of person who would own things like these... Write about anything that pops up in your imagination—even if you create characters that do something with the object. Let your mind go. But don’t settle for the first thing that pops into your head. What’s the second thing? The third? Write about that.
When we’re inventing ideas or generating material for a poem, we need to silence our internal editor... Let creativity, not purpose, take over as you write. Give yourself permission to produce junk. Getting the junk first out will help you find the real treasure. A Few Tips
As you hear the music, let your mind go with it. Just take it in. Notice what comes to mind right away—then push further. What’s the next thing that comes to mind? And after that? In other words—don’t just start writing about the first thing that occurs to you. –Once you push past that initial reaction, start writing. –Any memories? Do objects come to mind? Other images? Imagined scenarios? Just explore—it doesn’t have to make sense. Just work on making it interesting to you, specific, and detailed. What about Sound?