starter activity How would you feel if the following happened to Britain today…write down any adjectives that come to mind
A foreign army invades the South East then occupies the rest of the country A foreign army invades the South East then occupies the rest of the country The head of state is killed and replaced by a foreigner The head of state is killed and replaced by a foreigner Anyone who has an important job loses it and is replaced by a foreign invader Anyone who has an important job loses it and is replaced by a foreign invader The new ruler punishes anyone who disagrees with the new laws he passes, this could mean mutilation or even death! The new ruler punishes anyone who disagrees with the new laws he passes, this could mean mutilation or even death! Existing buildings are torn down and replaced by those built in a new foreign style Existing buildings are torn down and replaced by those built in a new foreign style Everyone has to speak a new language, some even have to change their names Everyone has to speak a new language, some even have to change their names
Your task What did you write? Share your choice of adjectives with the class.
Three claimants, one throne! To find out the characteristics of a strong medieval king To study the strengths of the 3 claimants to the English throne To evaluate which king had the stronger claim LOs
Your task What qualities does a medieval king need to have in order to be successful?
Edward the Confessor Father, Aethelred the Unready, mother Emma of Normandy Father, Aethelred the Unready, mother Emma of Normandy Spoke French, brought up in Normandy Spoke French, brought up in Normandy Deeply religious Deeply religious Ruled with help of Godwin family (married Edith Godwin) Ruled with help of Godwin family (married Edith Godwin) Nominated Harold Godwin as his heir Nominated Harold Godwin as his heir Edward on the Bayeux Tapestry
Your task Divide the class into three groups. Each group will assess the claim to the throne of different men. You then need to decide who had the greater claim. Coronation of Edward from C13th manuscript
ClaimantsStrengthsWeaknesses William, Duke of Normandy Harald Hardrada, King of Vikings Harold Godwinson (Anglo-Saxon Earl)
Your task We are going to hold a hustings to see who would be the best candidate for the job of king of England. We are going to hold a hustings to see who would be the best candidate for the job of king of England.
Homework Write a campaign speech for either Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada or William the Conqueror. You must include the following: Write a campaign speech for either Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada or William the Conqueror. You must include the following: Explanation of why you are such a strong candidate Explanation of why you are such a strong candidate Explanation of why the other candidates are so poor Explanation of why the other candidates are so poor You may wish to explain how you would improve life in Anglo-Saxon Britain and even create an election logo or slogan You may wish to explain how you would improve life in Anglo-Saxon Britain and even create an election logo or slogan