Ocean > English Channel > North Sea What the Portsmouth-Bilbao FerryBox is telling us David Hydes EMECO-NOOS Workshop Lowestoft June 2009
P & O Pride of Bilbao ferry route and details Measurements Online “Web 1Hz Conductivity Temperature O2 (start 2005) pCO2 (mid 2005) Monthly water samples From Feb 2003 NO3, Si, PO4, Chl a, Plankton Salinity,O2, Alkalinity, TCO2, HPLC See ferrybox_index.php ~35 hrs ~1000 km Every 3 days Ushant Project start: April 2002 Bay of Biscay E1 Shelf Break
Bilbao to Portsmouth mapped gridded data: mean of the data in each grid box 2005 to 2007 MiniPack CTD-F Sea Water Salinity
Bilbao to Portsmouth mapped gridded data 2005 to 2007 MiniPack CTD-F Sea Water Salinity
Inter-annual variation winter maximum nitrate 2004 and 2005 Along track data Bilbao-Portsmouth
Portsmouth Bilbao Off shelf data winter and
L4 and E1 Positions of the stations: L4: 50° 15.00' N, 4° 13.02‘ W E1: 50° 02.00' N, 4° 22.00‘ W
1960s P tends to be lower but also higher salinity
2006 data matches data from 1960s lower phosphate and higher salinity
Comparison of in-situ data and POLCOMS ERSEM MetOffice model runs modelobservations