WELCOME Study Skills Students! Welcome to our Sixth Grade, I.B. Study Skills class. I am Ms. Merriman. I hold high expectations for every one of you !!!
Your continued success to achieve high levels of skill is very important to me !!! I have been teaching for fourteen years. I feel that the teachingprofession is the most IMPORTANT and REWARDING JOB EVER !!!
I have a beautiful home in Austin. I love to plant trees and I plant a garden every spring and fall !
I love to cook ! Some of the food comes from my garden. I like to have friends and family come over for dinner.
I have two talented children, Rachel and Vincent. Rachel is 24 and is a graduate of St. Edward’s University with a degree in professional writing. Vincent is 22 and attends Austin Community College, pursuing a degree in computer science.
I like cats best of all but I love all animals ! I currently have five cats.
I love living in Austin, Texas – The Live Music Capitol of the World. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio. I moved To Texas in 1993.
I have played the organ since 5 th grade and I have many friends in my neighborhood who play music often. I am learning how to play the guitar and electric bass. I also like playing drums.
I create musically themed art and I also enjoy working with a wide variety of subject matter and media – ceramics, fiber, oil paint, oil pastel, charcoal, ink, colored pencil, scratch art, printmaking, watercolor.
I have been inventing new art since I was eight years old.
In conclusion, I hope that you put forth great effort this year. Do your best work, respect yourself and others, participate everyday, believe in yourself, and most of all – make good choices and keep a positive attitude !!!