Cultivating College Bound Students Guadalupe Valdivia EDUC Spring 2014
METHODOLOGY Sequential Mix-Design (Creswell & Clark, 2009). – Quantitative approach: Non-Experimental – Qualitative approach: Phonological
GUIDING RESEARCH QUESTIONS How do ASPs or ECAs contribute to low- income minority student’s funds of knowledge to create a college-going culture? What funds of college knowledge are presented in and utilized by low-income, minority, and first-generation going to college students who participated in ASPs or ECAs? Does engagement in ASPs or ECAs cultivate college bound students?
CONSTRUCTS OF INTEREST Engagement in ASPs or ECAs- (IV) Cultural & Social Capital about Higher Education- (DV)/(IV) College Knowledge- (DV)/(IV) Enrollment in Higher Education- (DV)
POTENTIAL HYPOTHESES Hypothesis 1: Culture and social capital about higher education will be positively associated with engagement in ASPs or ECAs. Hypothesis 2: College Knowledge will be positively associated with engagement in ASPs or ECAs. Hypothesis 3: Engagement in ASPs or ECAs will be positively associated with enrollment in higher education.
POTENTIAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS How did your engagement in ASPs or ECAs prepared you for higher education? What activities did your ASPs or ECAs create to promote a college going culture? What funds of knowledge or skills have you utilized in your journey for applying to higher education? Did someone in your ASPs or ECAs shared information with you regarding going to college? If so, who are they and what did they share with you?
Site Southern California – Trade schools – 2 year colleges – 4 year colleges/universities – Not limited to other forms of Higher Education.
PARTICIPANT CRITERIA Purposeful Sample – Southern California’s low-income, minority, and first-generation going to college students. – Participated in ASPs or ECAs during K-12. – Ages 18 years and over. Survey sample size: 100 participants. Interview sample size: 25 participants.
Validity of Surveys *Currently looking for a survey that has a higher reliability (alpha).
PROCEDURE Researcher will recruit potential participants at a comprehensive undergraduate university. Surveys on culture & social capital about higher education, college knowledge, and previous history of engagement in ASPs or ECAs will be completed by participants. Survey participants will indicate if they are willing to participate in a follow-up interview. One-on-one interviews will be conducted to further explore the benefits of engagement in ASPs or ECAs during K-12.
DATA COLLECTION & PROPOSED ANALYSIS Survey data will be used to test the hypotheses using correlational analysis. Interviews will be transcribed. Interview data will be coded & analyzed using a Phonological Grounded Theory Approach.
Positionality Previous history of being a active participant of ASPs/ECAs. Have volunteer for many ASPs/ECAs. Participate in fundraiser for ASPs/ECAs. Pro bono services for program evaluation, statics reports, research on new curriculum implementation
Limitations Asking participants to recall previous information on event that occurred in their K- 12 experience. Unable to generate results to participants who engage in other forms of activities. Unable to control other gained sources of “information and knowledge related to higher education”.