Culinary Arts Event Powerpoint Created by: Janet Ward rev 2012
Pre-competition information rev 2012
Knife Skills Hold the knife correctly Practice, practice, practice Keep knives sharp Use a damp cloth under cutting board Sanitize before and after use Peel onto paper towel Use the right tool for the job Know the knife cuts and sizes rev 2012
The Red Flags Failing to work as a team Messy work station Messy cook Getting behind Not addressing problems Tunnel vision Sanitation errors rev 2012
Workload Management Follow your time schedule Plan ahead Prioritize and delegate Communicate with team members Divide tasks according to expertise rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Organization Systematic habits Correct tool selection and usage Organized work space Proper storage of supplies Work flow rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Sanitation Clean work area Sanitizing solution Storage temperatures Avoiding cross contamination Frequent hand washing Gloves at final food contact Not using towels as hand wipes rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Teamwork Interaction among team members Logical progession of jobs Distribution of labor Avoid multiple repetitive tasks Such as each chopping own garlic Team focus rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Cooking Techniques Follow classical techniques Use methods stated in recipes Techniques displayed Knife skills Timing rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Presentation Correct temp Fresh looking food Visible seasoning Height East to eat Slices properly shingled Items close together Creative twist rev 2012
What Judges are Looking For Taste Correct flavor Correct degree of doneness Correct vegetable cuts Correct cooking techniques Correct consistency of sauces Looks and tastes good rev 2012
At Competition Orientation is required Set a meeting time and place Bring your equipment box Divide tasks Equipment, supplies, station setup Designate a timer to monitor progress Help team members who are running behind rev 2012
At Competition Begin with the end in mind Work schedule from bottom up Add times of prep, cook, setting, plating for longest prep item Include hand washing at beginning and where needed in schedule Assemble equipment on a sheet pan and place under work station A bowl to hold, a bowl for scraps, a bowl for end rev 2012
Set up Planning 1 creates time schedule 1 creates equipment list 1 creates ingredient list Hold chilled items on ice at station if possible Ask questions about locations during kitchen orientation Mise en place before beginning All work on most time consuming item 1 cuts onions for all Know & discuss cooking, cutting terms Label foods in holding rev 2012
Timing Add times for Ingredient prep Cooking Resting Carving Plating Subtract from 60 min rev 2012
Uniform CLEAN! Chef’s jacket Chef’s pants Non-skid closed shoes Apron 2 bar towels Head cover rev 2012