L.A.R. Usability testing plan for BelleViews School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Team members Roman Khandozhenko Liu Peng Cheng Anna Latonina
Case description Year of Eden – the puzzle game Belleviews
Focus Concentrating on bugs Usability and general playability
Test persons About 10 persons in the age Generally IT students, male and female.
Instructions Start the game using own facebook account Understand the rules Try to get the highest score Play about 10 games straight Fill in the questionnaire
Testing plan Tester is dealing with a game on his own. We will use before testing questionnaire. Generally, tester only has to say his impression at the end
Team members’ roles Liu will be observing the test Roman will write down all the things that happen during the test Anna will be the one talking to users, giving them instructions etc
Time and location Suitable time for testers.
Questionnaire Personal data General impression Advantages of the game Evaluation
General No one had played before this game Generally, people liked that game. For the first impression is seemed to be fun The main thing, that realy disturbed, was the appearance after several games of additional balls. And some mistakes appeared during with every testing
Bug 1: the count down part
Testing results The negative reaction was also about the graphics. During the game it was hard to distinguish some colors. Few times after changing balls into a three row, it didnt disappear.
Testing results Few times the game crashed. It was paused and nothing happened afterwards, it didn`t start working once again
Testing results The main advantage was that still some people found this game fun, but it is “one time game” Also one of the answers was, that this game is way to easy. Could not choose time or some levels with more colors and bigger area.
Testing results The testing was done many times, mainly during school days.
Summary of results. Advantage The game by itself is interesting, because it makes people want to win and collect as many points as possible. They become emotional and passioned about the win
Summary of results. Disatvantage Colors could be more different. The difficulty of the game could be more complicated.