Gun Control Leading Debates in Gun Control Policy
Gun Control Can gun-safety laws help prevent accidental shooting deaths and injuries? Do laws making it easier to carry concealed weapons reduce crime? Does the 2 nd Amendment limit the government’s power to regulate individuals’ possession of firearms?
Can gun-safety laws help prevent accidental shooting deaths and injuries? Since 1990, 15 states have passed laws requiring adults to either: –Store loaded guns in a place reasonably inaccessible to children –Use a device to lock the gun Adults can be held criminally liable if a child obtains an improperly stored, loaded gun
Do laws making it easier to carry concealed weapons reduce crime? John Lott – More Guns, Less Crime Not only do ‘right to carry’ laws not increase violent crimes, but they actually have a significant effect decreasing them –Murder –Rape –Armed robbery ‘Right to carry’ laws do seem to lead to increase in property crimes
2 nd Amendment Debate “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” –Supreme Court and lower federal courts have treated 2 nd Amendment as limited to protection for state militias –***No federal firearms legislation has been struck down based on 2 nd Amendment