Doc MET 400 (2015) & Data validation Training course


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Presentation transcript:

Doc MET 400 (2015) & Data validation Training course Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Table of content Introduction Doc MET400 : what is it ? Link with legislation Versions Structure of Doc MET 400 document Contact persons Transmission of detailed trade data General structure Logical format Physical format Non confidential data Confidential data Reception of detailed trade data Validation Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Table of content Introduction Doc MET400 : what is it ? Link with legislation Versions Structure of Doc MET 400 document Contact persons Transmission of detailed trade data General structure Logical format Physical format Non confidential data Confidential data Reception of detailed trade data Validation Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Doc MET 400 : What is it ? (1) First page : “TRANSMISSION OF THE RESULTS OF INTRA AND EXTRA-COMMUNITY TRADE The purpose of this paper is to determine the rules for the transmission of the results, which Member States are to submit to Eurostat in accordance with the regulations“ Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Doc MET 400 : What is it ? (2) Rules for transmission of data from MSs to Eurostat Intrastat and Extrastat data Detailed Aggregated “In accordance with the regulation” Extrastat Detailed part also applies to EFTA (with some exceptions)

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Link with legislation Legal basis : in section 1.1 (Extrastat) and 2.1 (Intrastat) : Extrastat Basic Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 and implementing provisions (Regulations (EU) No 92/2010 and 113/2010) Intrastat Basic Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 and implementing provisions (Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004) EFTA : Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 105/2011 and 106/2011 ; Decision No 2/2010 of the European Union/Switzerland Statistical Committee Legal basis and Doc MET 400 are complementary Legislation ≈ methodological principles Doc MET 400 ≈ syntactical rules <= this training Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Versions (1) Several versions ; most recent ones are : Year 2015 : reference periods in 2015 Year 2014 : reference periods in 2014 Year 2013 : reference periods in 2013 Year 2012 : reference periods in 2012 Year 2011 : reference periods in 2011 Year 2010 : reference periods in 2010 Rev. 17 : reference periods in 2009 or 2008 Rev. 16 : reference periods in 2007 Rev. 15 : reference periods in 2006 since 2010 : yearly Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Versions (2) Version applicable : version corresponding to reference period => data must be split at least on yearly basis Revisions : “Revisions of data referring to previous years must be sent according to the relevant revision of this document” This training focuses on 2015 / 2014 version Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Structure of Doc MET 400 document Part 1 : transmission format for Extrastat /Efta detailed data Part 2 : transmission format for Intrastat detailed data Part 3 : transmission format for aggregated data Annexes Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Annexes 1 & 2 : physical format 6 & 7 : examples of data files 5 : summary of fields used in detailed data 3 : special product codes (chapter 99) 4 : link to a correlation table between customs procedure codes and statistical procedure (detailed data) 8 : syntax of Checklist file for detailed data 9 : syntax to request Embargo for detailed data 10 : syntax to mark detailed data as test data 11 : product codes for which Net Mass should be transmitted as zero (detailed data) 12 : nomenclature for supplementary unit codes (EFTA detailed data only) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Contact persons For parts 1 and 2 : Mr. XAVIER RUTTEN +352-4301-34240 For part 3 : Mr. GILBERTO GAMBINI +352-4301-35806 For technical matters concerning Gesmes format : +352-4301-33213 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Table of content Introduction Doc MET400 : what is it ? Link with legislation Versions Structure of Doc MET 400 document Contact persons Transmission of detailed trade data General structure Logical format Physical format Non confidential data Confidential data Reception of detailed trade data Validation Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

General structure Logical format = fields (e.g. syntax, nomenclatures) Physical format = how fields are transmitted (e.g. positions, separators) Parts 1 & 2 (detailed data) Part 3 (aggregated data) Annex 1(detailed data) Annex 2 (aggregated data) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Logical format - detailed data – 2015 (1) Section Nr. I/E/F (*) Data type Contents Maximum size 1 I/E/F C Reference period 6 2 Threshold indicator 3 Reporting country 4 Flow 5 CN product or TARIC (real code) 10 Partner country (real code) 7 Other partner country 8 E MS where the customs declaration is lodged 9 MS of destination / MS of actual export E/F Statistical procedure 11 Preference 12 Mode of transport at the frontier 13 Container 14 Nationality of the means of transport (*) I=Intrastat, E=Extrastat, F=eFta Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Logical format - detailed data – 2015 (2) Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents Maximum size 15 E C Internal mode of transport 1 16 Nature of transaction 2 17 Confidentiality flag 18 CN product (confidential code) 10 19 SITC product code (confidential code) 5 20 Partner countries – confidentiality flag 21 Value confidentiality flag 22 Quantity confidentiality flag 23 Supplementary units confidentiality flag 24 N Statistical value 14 25 Quantity expressed in net mass 26 Quantity expressed in supplementary units 27 F Supplementary unit code 28 SITC product code (real code) (*) I=Intrastat, E=Extrastat, F=eFta Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Logical format - detailed data – 2015 (3) All 28 fields must always be present (Intrastat / Extrastat / Efta) Main nomenclatures : Products : Combined Nomenclature / Taric nomenclature Some special codes : chapter 99, Annex 3 Countries : Geonomenclature Some special codes : Nomenclatures can (and do) change !!! Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Physical format 3 formats : fixed column width comma delimited Gesmes  mandatory !!! “Exceptionally, in case of problems, and in agreement with Eurostat, Member States may temporarily use the "fixed column width" format or the "comma delimited" format” Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Gesmes (1) 1 row per data/record, containing all fields order of fields defined by Doc MET 400 values must be left justified i.e. do not contain leading blanks or spaces trailing blanks at the end of values must be removed Example : ARR++201101:1:FR:1:7005108000:US:US:FR:FR:1:100:4:0:US:2::0:::::::5648:0:0::' ARR++201101:1:FR:1:7005108000:US:US:FR:FR:1:100:4:0:US:3::0:::::::47045:0:0::' ARR++201101:1:FR:1:7005108000:IL:IL:FR:FR:1:100:4:0:SE:2::0:::::::2632:0:0::‘ … Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Gesmes (2) Header : UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOC:3+FR1+4D0+100221:1448+IREF000001++GESMES' UNH+MREF000001+GESMES:2:1:E6' BGM+74' NAD+Z02+EUROSTAT' NAD+MR+4D0' NAD+MS+FR1' DSI+COMEXT_EXTRA_M' STS+3+7' DTM+242:201502211448:203' DTM+Z02:201501:610' IDE+5+EUROSTAT_FT' GIS+AR1‘ Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Gesmes (3) Footer : UNT+51+MREF000001' UNZ+1+IREF000001' Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Physical format - Transmission (sections 1.1 & 2.1) Transmission method (sections 1.1 & 2.1) : “via the Single Entry Point (SEP) of eDAMIS (Stadium) dataset COMEXT_EXTRA_M (including EFTA) / COMEXT_INTRA_M for both the first transmission of the latest month and revisions” Checksum: “The detailed statistics must be accompanied in the same Stadium envelop by a checklist corresponding to the total by flow of the detailed statistics for section 24 (statistical value) and section 25 (quantity expressed in net mass): see Annex 8” Deadline : “The EXTRA (including EFTA) / INTRA file should be transmitted no later than 40 / 70 calendar days following the reference month” Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Non confidential data Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents Content 15 Internal mode of transport 16 Nature of transaction 17 Confidentiality flag Must be zero 18 CN product (confidential code) Must be empty 19 SITC product code (confidential code) 20 Partner countries – confidentiality flag 21 Value confidentiality flag 22 Quantity confidentiality flag 23 Supplementary units confidentiality flag 24 N Statistical value 25 Quantity expressed in net mass 26 Quantity expressed in supplementary units 27 F Supplementary unit code 28 SITC product code (real code) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Threshold - Extrastat Code Meaning Disseminated product code 1 data belonging to the standard category = transmitted code 3 data for individual transactions below the statistical value threshold for which less detailed information is compiled <Chapter>MMM000 or 99YYY000 4 adjustments for delayed or incomplete records (to be used only in exceptional cases, when customs declarations are received too late to be able to send comprehensive figures within the legal deadline) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Threshold - Intrastat Code Meaning Disseminated product code 1 data belonging to the standard category (intra-EU traders above the exemption threshold or above the simplification threshold1, when applied), when net mass is collected = transmitted code 2 data belonging to the simplified category (intra-EU traders below the simplification threshold and above the exemption threshold); simplified information provided for small individual transactions. 3 adjustment for trade below the exemption threshold <Chapter>MMM000 or 99YYY000 4 adjustment for late and non-response (trade above the exemption threshold) 5 data belonging to the standard category (intra-EU traders above the exemption threshold or above the simplification threshold, when applied), when net mass is estimated 8 3+4 together [allowed only if no 3 and no 4 ; 3 or 4 to be preferred] idem 3 or 4 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Confidential data Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents Content 15 E C Internal mode of transport 16 Nature of transaction 17 Confidentiality flag Must be 1 or 2 18 CN product (confidential code) Must be filled in 19 SITC product code (confidential code) 20 Partner countries – confidentiality flag 21 Value confidentiality flag 22 Quantity confidentiality flag 23 Supplementary units confidentiality flag 24 N Statistical value 25 Quantity expressed in net mass 26 Quantity expressed in supplementary units 27 F Supplementary unit code 28 SITC product code (real code) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Confidential data - concepts Levels of confidentiality Eurostat-restricted Commission-restricted Type of camouflage camouflage by product camouflage by partner camouflage by product & partner Indicators concerned all indicators (value, quantity expressed in net mass, quantity expressed in supplementary units) can be declared confidential, independently ones from the others, by using a distinct flag ("confidentiality flag") for each indicator values for indicators declared confidential will be associated to camouflaged data other values will be associated to real (non camouflaged) data Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Levels of confidentiality : confidentiality flag Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents 17 C Confidentiality flag Values : 0 : confidentiality is not applied 1: access to confidential data restricted to Eurostat 2: access to confidential data restricted to Eurostat and other services within the Commission Adjustments cannot be confidentialised Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Type of camouflage – camouflage by product Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents 5 C CN product or TARIC (real code) 18 CN product (confidential code) 19 SITC product code (confidential code) Section 5 : real product code (CN8 or Taric) Section 18 : “public” product code Same as section 5 if product is not confidential Otherwise HS6, HS4, HS2 or 99900000 Section 19 : “public” SITC product code to be transmitted if the information in section 18 is “poor” i.e. if HS4, HS2 or 99900000 SITC3, SITC2 or SITC1 In Extrastat : 999 also allowed if 99900000 in section 18 Disseminated (=> camouflaged) data : <HS6>SS <HS4>S<SITC3> or <HS4>S<SITC2>S or <HS4>S<SITC1>SS <HS2>SSS<SITC3> or <HS2>SSS<SITC2>S or <HS2>SSS<SITC1>SS Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Type of camouflage – camouflage by partner Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents 6 C Partner country (real code) 7 Other partner country 20 Partner countries – confidentiality flag Possible values for section 20 : Disseminated (=> camouflaged) data : If no confidentiality : real country codes If confidentiality : QY (Countries and territories not specified for commercial or military reasons in the framework of intra-Community trade) QZ (Countries and territories not specified for commercial or military reasons in the framework of trade with third countries) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Indicators concerned – confidentiality flags Section Nr. I/E/F Data type Contents Example 21 C Value confidentiality flag 22 Quantity confidentiality flag 1 23 Supplementary units confidentiality flag Values : 0 = value of indicator is not confidential 1 = value of indicator is confidential Example => Quantity is confidential but Value and QSU are not Camouflage : values for indicators declared confidential will be associated to camouflaged data values for indicators not declared confidential will be associated to real (non camouflaged) data => each record is split into 2 records : 1 record with camouflaged data 1 record with real (non-camouflaged) data Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example - product confidentiality only (1) real CN code=01031000 public CN code=01 public SITC code=3 PARTNER : real partner code=NO public partner code=NO real other partner code=DE public other partner code=DE INDICATORS VALUE=140 NETMASS=500 QSU=111 INDICATORS CONFIDENTIALITY FLAGS FLAG_VALUE=0 FLAG_NETMASS=1 FLAG_QSU=0 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example - product confidentiality only (2) After camouflage : 2 records : => it is not possible to link values of confidential indicator with confidential data (real product code) : values of the confidential indicator (net mass) is located in the first record (the one containing the camouflaged product value) values of non confidential indicators (value, qsu) are located in the second record (the one containing confidential information) Sum of the 2 records equal orginal record Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example - partner confidentiality only (1) PRODUCT : real CN code=01031000 public CN code=01031000 PARTNER : real partner code=NO public partner code=QZ real other partner code=DE public other partner code=QY INDICATORS VALUE=140 NETMASS=500 QSU=111 INDICATORS CONFIDENTIALITY FLAGS FLAG_VALUE=0 FLAG_NETMASS=1 FLAG_QSU=0 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example - partner confidentiality only (2) After camouflage : 2 records : => it is not possible to link values of confidential indicator with confidential data (real partner and other partner codes) : values of the confidential indicator (net mass) is located in the first record (the one containing the camouflaged product value) values of non confidential indicators (value, qsu) are located in the second record (the one containing confidential information) Sum of the 2 records equal original record Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example – all confidentiality flags set (1) PRODUCT : real CN code=01031000 public CN code=01 public SITC code=3 PARTNER : real partner code=NO public partner code=QZ real other partner code=DE public other partner code=QY INDICATORS VALUE=140 NETMASS=500 QSU=111 INDICATORS CONFIDENTIALITY FLAGS FLAG_VALUE=1 FLAG_NETMASS=1 FLAG_QSU=1 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Camouflage – example – all confidentiality flags set (2) After camouflage : 2 records : => it is not possible to link values of confidential indicator with confidential data (real product, partner and other partner codes) : values of the confidential indicator (net mass) is located in the first record (the one containing the camouflaged product value) values of non confidential indicators (value, qsu) are located in the second record (the one containing confidential information) Sum of the 2 records equal original record !!! Second record needs not to be generated !!! Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics Table of content Introduction Doc MET400 : what is it ? Link with legislation Versions Structure of Doc MET 400 document Contact persons Transmission of detailed trade data General structure Logical format Physical format Non confidential data Confidential data Reception of detailed trade data Validation Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : generalities Validation = decide whether ot not to load Data = boolean ≠ Quality measurement = assess Data quality = real number Validation handbook 4 steps 9 rule types 4 severities each rule is identified by a "Rule ID" Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : 4 steps Step 1 - Preliminary global data file checks: The purpose of tests of step1 is to ensure that no major inconsistency is detected at file level preventing to continue the loading of the file. Step 2 - Records validation checks: This step is performed at record level and consists in checking the validity and consistency of the record data as well as their compliance with Doc MET400. Step 3 - Post record check global validation: Tests in this step are performed at file level after the records have been corrected in order to evaluate if the number of corrections needed to be applied to accept the data file are within acceptable limits and therefore if the file can be loaded in the Comext databases. Step 4 - Advanced post validation checks: These checks are performed after the data are loaded in Comext. These tests are based on more advanced statistical methods, are more time consuming and the analysis of their results cannot be automated. Example : detecting outliers in the data. Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : 9 Rule types Filling of the fields: In the Doc MET400, the field can be mandatory, mandatory depending on threshold, mandatory depending on the confidentiality flag, or optional. Errors detected in the filling of the fields will be stored here. B Unexpected  blank Field is provided empty whereas it should be filled in F Unexpected Filling of the field Filling of the field was not expected  Formatting of the fields: This covers incorrect format of the field. It can be for example a 8 digits codes defined in the commodity field when a 10 digits code is expected. X Incorrect format invalid code length, alphanumeric code provided instead of numeric… Validity: This covers the use of invalid codes not registered at all in the reference table I Invalid Code Code not in the reference table Credibility C Inter-field consistency Inconsistency compared to DocMET400 specifications. M Methodology Methodological issue checks based on regulation requirement, concept of external trade. Not specifically written in the Doc MET400. Eurostat specific rule type S System/Treatment No problem detected but a processing is performed to ensure consistency in the Eurostat database. N Notes for Eurostat manager Example : non-standard threshold given at 2 digits only) or induced error (R18 cannot be checked as R5 is in error) D Database manager Consistency of the Eurostat referential. Example : conversion could not be performed due to incomplete mapping of the conversion table). Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : 4 Severities Abort Critical error (=the processing and loading cannot be further continued) E Error Non-critical error (=the processing and loading can be further continued) W Warning Warning ; further manual investigation suggested (also covers Eurostat specific rules which are not associated to a problem within the data file but to an issue detected during Eurostat processing) I Internal information Information specific to Eurostat processing environment ; only associated with rules of type S, N, D Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : Rule ID Rule ID = VV_XX_YZ where VV is the variable or step concerned : For rules in Step 1: VV=”PRE” (indicating “Preliminary global file checks”) For rules in Step 2: VV=the field concerned (“01” to “28”) For rules in Step 3: VV=”POST” (indicating “Post record check global validation”) For rules in Step 4: VV=”ADV” (indicating “Advanced post validation checks”) XX is the rule number within the section Y is the rule type (B,F,X,I…) Z is the severity (A, E,W, I) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Validation : Example of rule Rule ID = 05_02_XE “05” indicates the rule is a rule in Step 2 concerning field number 5 “02” indicates the rule is the second rule in the list of rules in Step 2 concerning field number 5 “X” indicates the rule type is “X” (“incorrect format”) “E” indicates the severity is “E” (“error”) rule description : Field Commodity is only 1 digit, which is never allowed. It will be converted to 99CCC000 (or 99CCC00000 for Extrastat import) when the record is related to standard threshold, else it will be converted to 99YYY000 (00) Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics

Thank you for your attention ! Xavier RUTTEN Eurostat G5 +352-4301-34240 Training course on European Union Trade in Goods Statistics