CLIENT STATUS -Gender: Female -Birthdate: 2/18/1976 -Place of Birth: Newport Beach, California -Religion: Catholic -Address: Hunting Beach, California -Highest Grade Completed: High school -Marital Status: Married -Language: English -Chief Complaints: Migraine Headaches
CLIENTS HEALTH -Overall health is good -Injuries and Accidents of the last year: None -Other Hospitalizations: None - Allergies: None - Current Medication: Zolaft 100mg(1 per day), one a day vitamins, Neproxin as needed - Recent Travel: California -Occurrence in Family of: Hypertension, heart disease, migraines, arthritis.
RESEARCH - Migraine headaches result from blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around those blood vessels. My client’s migraine headaches occur above her eye, where migraine headaches naturally occur(Nordqvist). - My client believes caffeine is a factor. Caffeine headaches may occur from lack of caffeine intake. Usually caffeine can serve as a treatment for headaches. So I need to help my client find a medium to her caffeine intake(Vann, M). -In the United States, 75% of people that suffer from migraines are women. Most women that heave them are between the ages of years of age. This means they are having trouble at work (Lee, K). -There are medications that are taken to relieve or prevent migraine headaches. My client takes medication for both. She takes them daily to prevent and or relieve her migraine headaches (Vroomen-Durning).
MAIN PROBLEM Migraine Headaches
THEORIES 1. If the client gets more sleep it should prevent migraine headaches because the brain wont be under so much stress. So the client will be going to bed earlier than usual 2. Electronics are a distraction and make it hard to sleep because it keeps the brain energized by staring at a screen. So the client will be on restriction from phone and hour before bed till she wakes up for work. That should help the client get more rest for her head to prevent migraines. 3. Client has a high caffeine intake. We will watch the intake of caffeine so we can find a medium for it.
SMART GOAL -Tell the client about ways to prevent migraine headaches and what things contribute to them. -For 4 weeks the client will watch her caffeine intake. -To get better sleep she will not use her phone an hour before bed until she wakes up. -She will go to bed earlier than usual, being 10pm
HIGHLIGHTS FROM INTERVENTION -Client choosing the Pseudonym Samantha Bailey -Limited the amount of migraine headaches -Client took up meditation on her own as another way to prevent migraines
RESULTS -Client has not had more than one migraine for three weeks due to our program -Client has been more relaxed and feels more calm -She doesn't feel any symptoms of a migraine headache
ANALYSIS -I'm not able to monitor my client because she lives in California, so it wasn’t easy. -This was a stressful project for both me and my client because she is very busy and was the only person willing to do it. -It was interesting learning more about my client -I've never had a migraine but in case I do get one in the future I will use these steps
REFERENCES Article 1 Nordqvist, C. (2014, May 15). "What is migraine? What causes migraines?." Medical News Today. Retrieved from. Article 2 Vann, M. (2010, October 4). Understanding Caffeine Headaches - Headache and Migraine Center - Everyday Health. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from management/headache/caffeine-headaches.aspxhttp:// management/headache/caffeine-headaches.aspx Article 3 Lee, K. (2009, February 23). Women And Migraines Results from Everyday Health. Women And Migraines Results from Everyday Health. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from Article 4 Vroomen-Durning, M. (2009, February 23). Medications for Headache Relief - Headache and Migraine Center - Retrieved May 19, 2014, from