1 Introduction Tom Schuller Head, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD INDIRE/CERI expert meeting on New Millennium Learners Florence, 5-6 March 2007
2 Economics Department Statistics Directorate Development Co-operation Directorate Trade Directorate For Financial Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs Directorate for Science Technology and Industry Directorate for Education Directorate for Employment Labour and Social Affairs Directorate for Food Agriculture and Fisheries Directorate for Public Management and Territorial Development Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) COMMITTEES SECRETARIAT COUNCI L Environment Directorate
3 IMHE/PEB Education and Training Policy Division Indicators and Analysis Division Centre for Education Research and Innovation Directorate for Education
4 What CERI does: Carries out studies of key educational issues, using a combination of our own staff and outside experts from around the world. Develops tools, indicators and frameworks for international analyses of education systems and practices. Promotes research and policy debate through publications, electronic discussion and conferences.
5 Current/recent projects Internationalisation of higher education What works: formative assessment National reviews on educational R&D Measuring the social outcomes of learning Learning sciences and brain research E- Learning in post-secondary education Open educational resources
6 CERI: projects being launched Globalisation, language learning and cultural diversity Multi-country reviews of systemic innovation in education : a) VET b) digitalisation New Millennium Learners To sign up for CERI's free electronic bulletin, go to: