{ Vocabulary Unit 12
protrusion POS: noun Definition – the act of bulging/sticking out or the state of being bulged/stuck out S – When the little boy ate a plethora of food, he had a protrusion for a tummy. Synonyms: swelling, bulge,
utterance POS: noun Definition – an act of uttering; vocal expression S – As we were talking in class, the teacher said, “I thought that I just heard an utterance. You two boys better stop talking, or you are going to be in big trouble!” Synonyms: pronouncement, announcement, speech, talk
monotonous POS: adj. Definition – lacking in variety; characterizing a sound continuing on one note. S – Our dinners became monotonous because we ate the same things at the same times each day. Synonyms: all the same, tiresome, tedious, remaining the same
droned POS: Verb Definition – To talk on and on S – The teacher thought the students did not understand the new vocabulary word, so she droned on giving them many examples. Synonyms: drag out
latter POS: adj. Definition – Being the second of the two mentioned. S - Would you like a ham or turkey sandwich for lunch? I guess I will choose the latter one; the ham is too I guess I will choose the latter one; the ham is too fattening. fattening. Synonyms: second
laboriously POS: adv. Definition – requiring much work S – We worked laboriously on our gardens to make them beautiful and perfect for our house warming party the following weekend. Synonyms: eagerly, steadily, strenuously
drivel POS: noun Definition – childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle S – As I walked by the girls’ room, I could hear their drivel flooding out. They talked and laughed on and on about all the boys, and who they thought was the most handsome. Synonyms: foolish talk, babble, hogwash, rubbish
regale POS: verb Definition – to entertain lavishly; to delight S – The man and woman’s family and friends regaled them both with many gifts for their new baby at the baby shower. Synonyms: throw a party; have fun; entertain; delight
fervent POS: adj. Definition – having or showing a passionate intensity; warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm S – The team was fervent about their sport, and it was shown by them winning the state competition. Synonyms: emotional, heartfelt, passionate, eager, excited
amicable POS: adj. Definition – characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly S – We knew that the woman was amicable when she stopped to ask if we were hurt when she saw the fire. She also showed her kindness by calling for medical assistance and helping us to find a place to stay after our house was burned down. Synonyms: civil; polite; cordial; neighborly; peaceful
hue POS: noun Definition – a variety of a color; tint S – As the sun sets, one can observe many hues in the sky. Some say that sunsets are the most beautiful thing in the words, and no sunset is the same. That is what makes them so special. Synonyms: color, shade, tinge, tone, dye