Conflicting Information
Reliability vs. Validity Using the Internet, define the following: –Reliability –Validity
When collecting data… Reliability vs. Validity –Does the data gathered produce consistent and dependable results? –Does the data gathered measure what you intend it to? E.g. an exam: does the exam relate to the information that was taught? If I give the same exam again will it get the same results? E.g. a scale: it is reliable in weighing me the same every day, but is it always a valid instrument by which to gage my weight? We all love that little adjustment wheel… This can also apply to surveys or observations…people are not always honest!
What is a Survey? Ways that social scientists gather information from interviews, questionnaires or both What are the advantages of using questionnaires (written)? What are the advantages of using interviews (oral)? Surveys are a simple way to find out: –what goes on in and between groups of people; –what are the social differences we observe; –why and how social change is occurring.
Surveys 1.Take the survey provided on the shared drive. 2.Then, analyze it and explain what’s good about it and what’s bad about it –Make notes on the survey, critiquing where you feel it fails and note the type of questions that the survey contains…submit this with your final project
Surveys When designing a survey…what should you consider? –What’s your objective? –Length…how long? –What types of questions should you ask? –What language do you use? Are you biased?
Types of Questions Structured Questions Do you have a driver's license? ( ) Yes ( ) No Which subject do you enjoy the most at school? ( ) Math ( ) Science ( ) English ( ) Foreign Language ( ) History ( ) Government ( ) Art / Music ( ) Sociology (of course!) How many hours a day do you spend doing homework? ( ) 0 to 1 hour ( ) 2 to 3 hours ( ) 4 to 5 hours ( ) more than 5 hours
Types of Questions Rating Questions Please describe how you felt about the Homecoming Pep Rally. Unsatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Please rank the following Homecoming activities in order of preference (starting with 1 for your favorite activity). ___Homecoming Pep Rally ___Homecoming Parade ___Homecoming Football Game ___Homecoming Dance
What do you like best about the new lunch selections in the cafeteria?_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Types of Questions Non-Structured Questions
Why did you sign up for the Science Buddies Classroom Scientists Program (please select all that apply)? ( ) I really enjoy science ( ) My teacher asked me to sign up ( ) My teacher made me sign up ( ) My parents asked me to sign up ( ) I'm bored in science class & thought this would be fun ( ) I thought it would help me do a better project ( ) I thought it would help me win the Science Fair ( ) I thought having a Mentor to talk to would be fun ( ) I knew other students who were doing it ( ) Other _____________________ Types of Questions Partially -Structured Questions
What (NOT) to do… Make sure you are clear in your objectives and your directions Ask short concise questions Don’t ask for personal info unless you need to Only ask one question at a time (double barreled questions) Don’t ask biased questions Obviously, don’t ask questions that your test subjects cannot answer
A. Bad Question: How have teachers and students at your school responded to the new 45-minute lunch period? ( ) Satisfied ( ) Unsatisfied B. Good Question: How have teachers responded to the new 45-minute lunch period? ( ) Satisfied ( ) Unsatisfied How have students responded to the new 45-minute lunch ( ) Satisfied ( ) Unsatisfied
C. Bad Question: Do you think that the new cafeteria lunch menu offers a better variety of healthy foods than the old one? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) No Opinion D. Good Question: How do you feel about the new cafeteria lunch menu compared to the old one? ( ) The new menu offers a better variety of healthy foods ( ) The old menu offers a better variety of healthy foods ( ) The selections are similar ( ) No opinion