The Scriptures show us that the Holy Spirit is definitely a Person. INTRODUCTION: The Scriptures show us that the Holy Spirit is definitely a Person. The evidence that proves that the Holy Spirit is a Person is set forth in at least three ways in Scripture.
I. THE HOLY SPIRIT POSSESS THE QUALITIES OF A PERSON Intellect: The ability to know or think: Romans 8:27; John 14:26; I Corinthians 2:10,11 Emotions: The ability to feel : Romans 15:30; Ephesians 4:30; James 4:5 Will: The ability to make decisions: Acts 16:7
II. THE HOLY SPIRIT PERFORMS ACTIVITIES OF A PERSON He Speaks: Acts 8:29 He Guides: John 16:13; Romans 8:14 He Prays: Romans 8:26,27 He Convicts: John 16:8
III. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS PRIVILEGED WITH THE POSITION OF A PERSON The Masculine Person: John 16:7,8 His Equality: 1. In Salvation – I Peter 1:2 2. In Baptism – Matthew 28:19 3. In Blessing – II Corinthians 13:14
III. HOLY SPIRIT PRIVILEGED AS A PERSON (Contd.) How we can relate to Him – 1. We can Insult Him, Resist Him or Obey Him – Acts 7:51 2. We can have Fellowship with Him -Philippians 2:1