Partnering for Health & Wholeness Presbyterian Church (USA) International Health Ministries
PCUSA International Health Ministries Mission Statement: “Grounded in the hope of Jesus Christ, International Health Ministries works with partners around the world to bring health, healing and wholeness to their communities.” Objectives of International Health Ministries: Strengthen the capacity of overseas partner churches and organizations to develop programs that build and support healthy communities. Advise and facilitate PCUSA congregations and presbyteries, validated mission support groups and Presbyterian Women in ministries of health and wholeness overseas. Provide programmatic support to PCUSA mission personnel working with health and development activities.
Through PCUSA partners, International Health Ministries supports 112 institutions and 38 missionary personnel in 32 countries.
Partnership Example: Networkers Malaria Prevention Program – Malawi Congregation-based malaria prevention activities are developed with and supported for partner churches. malaria prevention education programs sale of mosquito nets distribution of SP Christian witness Activities are implemented by trained volunteers from partner church Women’s Guilds Activities in Africa are funded through the supporting partnership of U.S. Presbyterian Women.
In Northern Malawi: 26 congregations engaged in malaria prevention activities 260 volunteers from congregations’ Women’s Guilds trained to implement activities. Distribution of mosquito nets targets children <5 and pregnant women 19,956 nets distributed during 18-month period (Oct ’05 – March ’07 85% of nets were dipped during Re-Treatment Campaign
Project Results Knowledge of ITNs as best way to prevent malaria increased from 16% to 60%. Ownership of nets increased from 43% to 78%. Use of nets by children <5 increased from 39% to 93%. Women receiving SP twice during pregnancy increased from 57% to 68%.
Annual “NetWorkers Mother’s Day Project”, facilitated in U.S. congregations by Presbyterian Women, raises support for overseas malaria prevention activities. Since 2001, Presbyterians have sent over 130,000 NetWorkers Mother’s Day cards. Donations from NetWorkers Mother’s Day Project provide 70% of funding for malaria prevention activities in Africa. Presbyterian Women sewed over 10,000 mosquito nets from kits, to raise awareness of malaria prevention in their congregations. Presbyterian Women: Partners in Malaria Prevention
PCUSA International Health Ministries will remain open to opportunities to partner with other agencies in activities that: Are appropriate for our existing partners Address the underlying causes of disease Are designed for long-term sustainability Faithfully and intentionally work to build the Kingdom of God Challenges: Accessing consistent supply of nets for Women’s Guild volunteers. Keeping Women’s Guild volunteers trained and motivated. Developing income generating activities to strengthen sustainability. Preventing “donor fatigue” among U.S. Presbyterians. Future: