Joe Cooper Dan Crossen Diego Guinea Alex Peterson Mike Walsh
Dan & Mike
Daniel Crossen
Semi-warm water leaving pumps/entering cooling towers at 70-95° F and leaving cooling towers/entering pumps (for cooling) at 65-90°F Cold water leaving pumps/entering underslab (for warming of ground)at 36° F and leaving underslab/entering pumps at 32°F Currently, these two systems do not interact, other than through the pumps. However, the semi-warm water is only used to cool the pumps, and does not come into contact with the cold water at all °F65-90°F
RIT pays to cool down this water from 65°-90°F to 45°-55°F while… …in the next room, we pay to heat up this water from 32° to 36°F They are on two separate loops, never coming into contact, and energy is wasted moving their temperatures in opposite directions °F65-90°F
Take the output of this system (65- 90°F) And take the output of this system (32 °F) And put them through a heat exchanger to utilize the waste heat/cold from one system to heat/cool the other system 70-95°F 65-90°F 70-95°F65-90°F
House Of Quality Lower cost of heating/cooling Cost of modifications less than money saved Modifications must be sustainable (green) Aesthetically pleasing Safe for human operation Can be integrated into current system Maintain effective running conditions Low maintenance Row Total Column Total Row + Column Total Relative Weight Lower cost of heating/coolingLower cost of heating/cooling CRRCCRR 40414% Cost of modifications less than money saved RRCCRR 41518% Modifications must be sustainable (green) RCCCC 1014% Aesthetically pleasingAesthetically pleasing CCCC 0000% Safe for human operationSafe for human operation RRR 34725% Can be integrated into current systemCan be integrated into current system RR 24621% Maintain effective running conditionsMaintain effective running conditions C 0227% Low maintenanceLow maintenance 03311% Column TotalColumn Total %
Customer NeedsFinal Percentage Ranking Safe for human operation25% Can be integrated into current system21% Cost of modifications less than money saved18% Lower cost of heating/cooling14% Low maintenance11% Maintain effective running conditions7% Modifications must be sustainable (green)4% Aesthetically pleasing0%
Mike Walsh
BENCHMARKINGCornell University: Lake Source Cooling Project (LSC) REMKO RVS H SeriesSeaWater Air Conditioning (SWAC) ScaleProvides Cooling for Cornell Campus The system shown is a small scale, but they do have much larger versions Cooling for Factories, power plants, universities, etc. # Heat Exchangers7n/aVaries with system size Total Heat Exchanger Surface Area 102,000 feet squaren/aVaries with system size Water used39 °FTap WaterSea or Lake Water, temp varies with depth Energy Savings80% kW80% more than conv. AC (Capital is 60% higher) Other NotesAlmost completely replaced mechanical refrigeration on campus Can be used in winter for heating as well 5-10 year payback
SourceFunction Specification (metric) Unit of Measure Marginal ValueIdeal Value Comments/Status S1 CN6,7SystemAmbient Air Temp Input°F S2 CN6,7SystemCooled Air Temp Output°F S3 CN6,7System Underslab Coolant Cold Side Temp Input °F 32 S4 CN6,7System Underslab Coolant Warm Side Temp Output °F 36 S5 CN1,3SystemPump energy usageKW 51-5 S6 CN6SystemPump flow Rate maxgpm 6.2 S7 CN1,3SystemHeat loss from pipesKW 10-2 S8 CN7SystemPump time constantsec <1 S9 CN1,3SystemPump efficiency% S10 CN5,6SystemSize of Equipmentinches 24x24 x12 12x12 x12 S11 CN2SystemSystem cost$$ <= $1000 S12 CN5,6SystemWeightlbs 6040 S13 CN7,8System Operating conditions: temperature °F Ambient indoor ice rink S14 CN7,8SystemOperating conditions: relative humidity % 0-100Ambient indoor ice rink
DisciplineHow Many?Anticipated Duties ME4 ME1: Design Heat Exchanger, Focus on Validation of Test Results, CAD work ME2: Design Heat Exchanger, CAD work, Build Heat Exchanger ME3: Build Heat Exchanger, Focus on Validation of Test Results ME4: Focus on System Integration, Focus on Validation of Test Results ISE1 ISE1: Focus on System Integration Aesthetics
Presented Design to Customer Customer thought it would be a great idea for savings, but probably impractical unless the savings were immense. Requires 400+ feet of piping 1-1/4” Lines ◦ Also would require stronger pumps for underslab system. ◦ Not really in the scope of MSD I or II ◦ Perhaps MSD VIII
Air Handler 1 Air Handler 3 Air Handler 2 Underslab System At least 200 feet of piping in each direction Corner Crew Air Handler 4
Joe & Diego
Joseph Cooper
Project Goals: Same output as Ice Bear Energy usage without freezing ice. Scaled Goals: 1/5 size of Ice Bear unit Similar output to portable a/c unit
A B C Ice In Warm Air In Cool Air Out A)Ice box/container (~1/2 total unit) B)Air passage/duct w/ heat exchanger (~1/4 total unit) C)Pump/component area (~1/4 total unit) 0.31m 0.51 m 0.25 m
DisciplineHow Many?Anticipated Duties ME5 ME1: 1) Establish heat exchanger requirements/design between ice and coolant ME2: 1) Define the Ice box design, working with ME1 2) Determine the pump required for purchase ME3: 1) Establish heat exchanger requirements for water to air in order to find one (or more) to purchase 2) Define air flow requirements and research correct fan to purchase ME4: 1) Design layout of unit and mounting of components (progressive throughout project) ME5: 1) Define insulation requirements using knowledge from ME1-3 2) Design power distribution to powered components
Customer would like to find purpose for meltwater Using “Heat Pipes” with a pre charged coil that will migrate depending on the delta-V between cold & hot side. Is interested in the future possibility of using snow during the winter as well.
Diego Guinea
Cooling CoilTemperature Sensor Temperature Range: - 50 o C to 200 o C Applicable flow velocity: Less than 4 m/s Time Constant: 50s Heat Exchanger Flow Rate: 800 GPM
Engineering Functions & Metrics Customer Requirements Customer Weights Ice Input from Zamboni Warm Water Input Flow Warm Water Input Temperature Cold Water Output Temperature Tank (Heat Exchanger) Size Pump Flow Rate Pump Flow Adjustment Time Melted Ice Temperature Melted Ice Output Flow Electrical Power Sensor + Electrical Lifetime Heat Exchanger Lifetime Dimensions Low maintenance cost4% 9 Low prototype cost for a scaled design1% 9 9 Realistic payback period3% Safe for human operation7% Easy intuitive use4% Easy access for maintenance6% 3 Can be integrated to current cooling tower system13% 9 9 Clean appearance7% 9 9 Easy acces to ice storage7% 3 Durable under hard working conditions9% 1 Low downtime when being integrated11% Able to use at the same time with the cooling towers10% Provide efficient support to cooling tower12% 9 3 Holds full ice load from zamboni0% 9 Able to run all year round1% 1 Easy removal of water from melted ice5% 39
DisciplineHow Many?Anticipated Duties EE 1 EE 1:Design the temperature reading system and integrate to the project working together with the CE 1. ME 3 ME 1: Determine heat exchange rates between ice and water, water flow rates and the requirements the system needs do have to fulfill the specifications in water temperature. ME 2: Design the ice container and the heat exchanger, according to the specifications working together with ME 1 to validate theoretical calculations. ME 3:Model the system using computer-based software. Collaborate with ME 1 and ME 2. Determine and acquire the components needed in the system. CE 1 CE 1:Elaborate system that will command water flow according to the temperature readings, and the water flow specifications determined by the team. Work together with the EE 1. ISE 1 ISE 1:Elaborate design according to the requirements so the design fits the designated space. Work on ergonomic and human factors for the system and focus on system integration.
Alex Peterson
CO Level Air Temperature Fan Speed Emissions Log File Parameters Fan Health Sensor Health Check Hardware Availability Read all sensors Load log and parameter files Write data and check against appropriate range Output results and warnings Make adjustments if needed Check if adjustments happened Hardware log Health Emissions Log File Fan Speed Check against CO2 required ventilation
DisciplineHow Many?Anticipated Duties ME2 1,2- Obtain arena emissions and airflow data 1- 1 st order transient model of airflow in arena 1- Compare to collected data 2- Design mounting bracket for sensor and interface circuit 2- Design enclosure for interface circuit EE1 Design circuit to convert mA level DC output from sensor to interface with air handler control system. Research current air handler control system. CE1 Computer interface chip selection, develop basic program to log emissions data
Use handheld detector(s) to measure Map arena well to find hotspots of emissions Place sensor in worst part Interface with controller may be possible if bill of materials and design complete