1. We might be in awe of God as we see how He empowered the early followers of Christ though the Holy Spirit to preach, persevere through persecution, and then praise him.
2. We might, as a church, see how we ought to function as the church of God, the bride of Jesus from the example of the early followers.
3. We might, as individuals, be empowered by that same Holy Spirit to boldly proclaim the gospel and change the world.
3 Characteristics of Peter and John
Uncomplicated Communication
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Clear
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Clear Bold
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence Personal experience
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence Personal experience Others ’ personal experience
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence Personal experience Others ’ personal experience God ’ s Word
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence
3 Characteristics of Peter and John Uncomplicated Communication Unwavering Confidence Undeniable Confirmation
GOD chose to rescue MAN out of his sinful rebellion through JESUS and offers us the GRACE of forgiveness and new life