Color Schemes For Interior Design
The Color Wheel The Color Wheel shows how colors are related to each other. Color is one of the elements of design. If the right colors, lines, textures, and forms are used, the design will be a success. Color is a very exciting part of our lives. It can reflect your moods, looks, and feelings. HUE: is the name given to a color, it is another term to use rather than “color” VALUE: is the amount of lightness or darkness in a color (light or dark blue) INTENSITY: is the brightness or dullness of a color (Kelly green or mint green)
Primary Colors are Red, Yellow, Blue
Secondary Colors are Green, Purple, and Orange
Complimentary Colors Are directly across from each other on the color wheel-
Analogous Colors are next to each other on the color wheel
Monochromatic color scheme is based on variations of a single hue on the color wheel
Achromatic is the absence of color