ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage Keywords Cécile Duvelle Chief, Intangible Cultural Heritage Section Secretary of the 2003 Convention UNESCO Capacity-building.


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Presentation transcript:

ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage Keywords Cécile Duvelle Chief, Intangible Cultural Heritage Section Secretary of the 2003 Convention UNESCO Capacity-building workshop on the role of NGOs in implementation of the Convention, Tallinn, 2-4, Sept. 2010

ICH 127 States have ratified the Convention

ICH Normative instruments in the field of culture Universal Copyright Convention (1952, 1971) Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954) Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfert of Cultural Property (1970) Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005)

ICH Key dates April 2006: entry into force June 2006 – June 2008: elaboration of the Operational Directives June 2008 – November 2009: first cycle of implementation

ICH First cycle of implementation Statistiques sur 1 er cycle mise en œuvre

ICH Keywords What this Convention is about? What it aims to achieve? What are its main mechanisms?

ICH Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage

ICH Safeguarding?

ICH Article 2.3 ‘ to ensure the long-term viability of intangible heritage within communities and groups’

ICH Identification and documentation Article 11: ‘identify and define the various elements of the intangible cultural heritage present in [their] territory, with the participation of communities, groups and relevant non governmental organizations’. Article 12: ‘draw up, in a manner geared to its own situation, one or more inventories of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory’ […] ‘these inventories shall be regularly updated’.

ICH Inventory or inventories? No specific methodology Flexible approach But with the participation of the communities or groups concerned

ICH Inventorying fundamental but also risky

ICH Preservation and protection efforts of communities and culture bearers to maintain continuity in the practice of that heritage over time

ICH Promotion and enhancement self-esteem and pride promotion of the respect for cultural diversity and human creativity

ICH Transmission providing future generations the knowledge, skills and practices inherited from past generations allowing ICH to be sustainably maintained by the communities, groups or individuals concerned

ICH Revitalization Taking actions to reactivate, restore and strengthen ICH practices and expressions that are weakened and likely to disappear An element extinct cannot be revitalized

ICH Communities, groups and individuals Central role in the practice, transmission or revitalization No specific territories Network who share a sense of connectedness and identity Able to define their intangible heritage

ICH Free, prior and informed consent Mandatory Respect of customary practices governing access to specific aspects (Article 13)

ICH Viability Capacity to practise as part of contemporary social life, and to transmit to future generations Sustainability: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

ICH Culture for development? ICH mainspring for cultural diversity and guarantee for sustainable development development can be a threat to the viability of ICH

ICH What is ICH? Definition (Article 2) very long, but should be read from beginning to end....

ICH Who knows? ‘the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills… … that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage’

ICH How? ‘transmitted from generation to generation… … constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history… …provides them with a sense of identity and continuity’

ICH What? only consistent with internationally accepted human rights instruments and with the principle of mutual respect

ICH To be or not to be?

ICH Domains: non exhaustive list Oral traditions and expressions Performing arts Social practices, rituals and festive events Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe Traditional craftsmanship

ICH Objectives safeguard ensure respect raise awareness and ensuring mutual appreciation provide for international cooperation and assistance

ICH At the national level Identify and safeguard Adopting a general policy One or more competent bodies Scientific research, education and raising awareness Report on measures taken for the ICH present in their territories

ICH At the international level List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Representative (Article 17) List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Article 16). States Parties encouraged to submit multi- national nominations

ICH Best Practices National, subregional and regional programmes, projects and activities that best reflect the objectives of the Convention (Article 18)

ICH International cooperation Financial assistance available to States Parties, particularly developing countries

ICH Decision-making process General Assembly of the States Parties: sovereign body of the Convention, strategic orientations, election of Committee Intergovernmental Committee (24 elected States Parties): grants international assistance and decides on inscriptions on the two lists and the Register of best practices

ICH New! Procedure for examining nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List, proposals for the Register of Best Practices, and International Assistance requests greater than US$25,000 Files examined by a Consultative Body, composed of six accredited NGOs and six independent experts, half renewed annually


Heritage Intangible Cultural UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, Paris Cedex 15 France Cécile Duvelle Heritage Intangible Cultural UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, Paris Cedex 15 France Cécile Duvelle