Hot Topics in Air Quality NAAQS, Regulations, and Other Developments Jeff Slayback A&WMA Southwest Ohio Chapter August 19, 2010
SO 2 and NO 2 NAAQS Revised primary standard for NO 2 New 1-hour standard promulgated and effective – 100 ppb (187 µg/m 3 ) Annual standard maintained at 53 ppb Revised primary standard for SO 2 New 1-hour standard promulgated and effective – 75 ppb (196 µg/m 3 ) Revoked existing 24-hr and annual stds Secondary standards under review
Ozone NAAQS 1997 standard ppm, 8-hr avg Revised primary and secondary standards announced on ppm, 8-hr avg, effective EPA area designation process stayed pending further review of the standard hr standard (0.08 ppm) in effect Area designations Associated regulatory requirements
Ozone NAAQS Revised primary and secondary standards proposed on Primary 8-hr standard set at a level in the range of ppm, ppm seems likely Seasonal secondary standard set at a level in the range of 7-15 ppm-hrs Final standards to be issued by August 31, 2010 Final designations by
PM 2.5 NAAQS 1971 – TSP, 1987 – PM 10 (inhalable, coarse) Fine particle (PM 2.5 ) primary and secondary standards promulgated on μg/m 3, annual average 65 μg/m 3, 24-hr average Revised 24-hr standards promulgated and effective μg/m 3, 24-hr average Annual std (15 μg/m 3 ) – remanded in 2009
Regulations Proposed federal GHG permitting Portland Cement NSPS/NESHAP Final amendments announced FIP for Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate and Ozone FR proposal on Industrial-Commercial-Industrial Boiler and Process Heater NESHAP Proposed MACT/GACT for major and area sources published
Regulations Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units NSPS/EG Amendments proposed Solid Waste Definition rule Proposed Amendments to NESHAP for Stationary RICE Promulgated , effective Amendments to NSPS for CI and SI ICE Proposed
NESHAP for Stationary RICE 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ Originally promulgated Affected RICE > 500 bhp located at major HAP sources Amendments promulgated Affected new and reconstructed RICE ≤ 500 bhp located at major HAP sources and new and reconstructed RICE at area sources New RICE at major and area sources – NSPS IIII/JJJJ
NESHAP for Stationary RICE Recent amendments to Subpart ZZZZ Promulgated on and effective Affected RICE Existing CI ICE at area sources Existing CI ICE ≤ 500 bhp at major HAP sources Existing non-emergency CI ICE > 500 bhp at major HAP sources Rule applicability flow chart and summary of requirements found at
NESHAP for Stationary RICE – CI ICE Initial Notification requirements Due by Not required for: Existing Emergency CI & Non-Emergency CI ≤ 300 bhp at area sources Existing Emergency CI & Non-Emergency CI 500 bhp at major sources Required for all other existing CI ICE All New CI ICE are affected by NSPS IIII