Mutual Aid Program by Drake Rice, OMPA Asset Inventory Working Status Reserve Funds
Asset Inventory (Preparation) Make sure you have an Agreement Signed ▫MESO ▫APPA ▫Have an Emergency Action Plan Keep a good inventory ▫Poles, Wire, Insulators, etc. ▫Know where to house the help ▫Know how to feed the help ▫What about Medical Support
Asset Inventory Preparation Fuel for Trucks & Equipment Who will determine need for assistance Current maps of your systemWho will work with the pressWho will assist foreign crews
Working Status Keep track of work locations and crews Priority locations identified Communications between field and office Keep elected officials informed Keep OMPA/MESO advised of work OMPA/MESO will provide OEM updates
Working Status Equipment status Material Stores status Need for additional help Release of outside crews Take a lot of Pictures Keep good records ▫Materials used ▫Manpower and Equipment
Emergency Funds Reserve Do you have a Emergency Fund? Why do you need one? How much do you need? How do you pay? When do you pay? Prepare paper work for FEMA Filing
Event Ends Thank those that responded Thank those in your community that helped Debrief your staff on things Good and Bad Look at your inventory