General Meeting Zurich Markus HOFMANN Chairman of OTM Task Force On Track Machine (OTM) autorisation and x-acceptance
Participation of 10 contractors representing 8 national associations UNIFE members – manufacturing industry (Matisa and Kirow) and industry contractors (Vossloh) UNIFE General Manager and Senior Infra Manager EIM and CER Secretariat (Senior Safety and Interoperability Managers) representing IM See attendance list 08.3_OTM_meeting_ _Presence list.pdf 08.3_OTM_meeting_ _Presence list.pdf OTM meeting, Paris, EFRTC GM, Zurich,
Update of EFRTC position paper on OTM UNIFE amendment regarding clarification of legal and regulatory framework relevant to OTM ERA comments in chapter of OTM relevance and market size taken into account directly in the text Chapter ”Actions taken and way forward” revised in view of discussion and recommendations from the meeting Agreement on creation of EFRTC-UNIFE Task Force on OTM authorisation with joint leadership –EFRTC – Markus HOFMANN, Leonhard-Weiss, Germany, Chairman –UNIFE – Franz MESSERLI, Matisa, Switzerland, Vice-Chairman Remit drafted by Chairmen with support of SG Outcome of the meeting EFRTC GM, Zurich,
Objectives Basic requirements Remit/Tasks Working procedures Composition of OTM Task Force –confirmation of appointments OTM Task Force remit EFRTC GM, Zurich,
To simplify current processes for authorization of On Track machines (OTM) with the aim of reducing costs and shortening time for placing the OTM in service To facilitate the cross-acceptance of On Track Machines with the aim at further opening of the market for construction, renewal and maintenance of railway lines in Europe and increasing the competitiveness of European construction industry worldwide Objectives EFRTC GM, Zurich,
TSI compliance at no cost increase but simplifications, cost and time reduction Transparency of authorisation and clarity of assessment criteria in all EC regulatory framework and national reference document Type certification against TSI by manufacturer to be Europe-wide acknowledged – re-checking strictly limited Specific national requirements to be declared and known in advance in national reference documents to be accepted by ERA Acceptance of EN in national rules is to be reviewed with the aim for identifying potential for harmonisation and basis for cross-acceptance Basic requirements EFRTC GM, Zurich,
To serve as a platform for sharing the experience and knowledge for setting the best way forward for achieving simplification of authorisation and cross acceptance of OTM To apply Loc & Pass TSI as first reference respecting the specific issues of OTM operation in running and working conditions To review EN application in national rules with a view of its better use by the TSI and in parallel to perform gap analysis by reviewing existing national practices To open dialog with NSA starting with major European countries with the aim to involving them in the process of OTM authorisation To review role of Notified bodies (NoBo) for « Railway Package » certification and « Machinery Directive » certification To study the possibility of harmonizing simplified rules for OTMs operators to receive RU certificate Remit/Tasks EFRTC GM, Zurich,
Chairman, Mr Markus HOFMANN, Leonhard Weiss, EFRTC Vice-Chairman, Mr Franz MESSERLI, Matisa, UNIFE Composition of OTM Task Force EFRT C GM, Zurich, Members – EFRTC BENKLER Martin, SERSA, CH BERTOZZI Pierpaolo, C.L.F., I CASONI Mario, ANIAF, I CHAINE Guillame, ETF Eurovia, F HEYNES Stephen, Colas Rail, UK JELITTO Lutz, Schwerbau, D SANTOS Fernando, Somafel, P TESOURO Oscar, ComsaEmte Van den HURK Nick, Volker Rail, NL KORPANEC Imrich, Secretary Members – UNIFE TOUZALIN Daniel, Vossloh, F BOBZIEN Joern, Vossloh, D HARTMANN Michael, Kirow, D FONTANEL Eric, UNIFE GM FURIO Nicolas, Secretary IM representatives PIRES Jose, EIM Infra & Safety JANK Steffen, CER, Interoperability LABARRE Jerome, CER Infra & Safety
Thank you for your attention !!!