Today we will be learning: that multiplication can be done in any order the words that are used in multiplication.
Mental Activity We are going to practise counting on and counting back. We will count on and back in steps of different sizes.
Start at 0. Count on in twos. Start at 0. Count on in threes. Start at 0. Count on in fives. Start at 0. Count on in tens.
Start at 28. Count back in twos. Start at 30. Count back in threes. Start at 50. Count back in fives. Start at 100. Count back in tens.
Main Activity Today we are going to learn to work with an array. What is an array?
How many objects are in this array? How did you work out the answer?
It can also be split into rows = = 12 The array can be split into columns. 4 x 3 = 12 3 x 4 = 12
Here is another array. Can you describe this one? = 28 7 x 4 = 28
Can you write that in a different way? = 28 4 x 7 = 28
Group Work Counting one by one, in groups and using multiplication facts to find the number of items in arrays. Work on multiplication problems using arrays. Work on counting in groups (repeated addition).