Helping your child with maths in KS1
Counting and Number Recognition Point out numbers at every opportunity. Ask your child to read the numbers. Count when putting toys away. Don’t be vague about numbers when speaking, eg there were thousands, millions,.. Be specific where possible.
Number Bonds These are the basis of most maths. Children should know number bonds to all numbers, not just ten. Use every counting opportunity available.
TimesTables Need constant rehearsing Don’t just count in twos, fives, tens, sing the song. Change the order.
Shopping Do together occasionally Work out prices together, using language of which one is more, less, what does the special offer mean, how much altogether? Allow them to pay cash for things and look at the change together. Help them to understand the value of money.
Time Use a clock as often as possible Use time markers, such as in five minutes, when the hand is on the.. In five minutes when the clock on the microwave reads …. Use reminders, ‘It’s nearly bed time, do you know what time it is?’ When baking a cake, making dinner, running a bath,etc, use realistic time, … it will be ready in twenty minutes, at We’ll leave for school at…..when the clock is on….
Measures Use as many opportunities as possible to weigh and measure together..