Going for Outstanding AfL - Questioning
Objectives To know your strengths and limitations when using questioning To be able to develop your range of questioning techniques/strategies To understand how to utilise this information to improve your questioning Outcomes To develop your questioning repertoire To generate a lesson plan to use with a class applying your improved questioning techniques/strategies
Connect Post-it starter Strength Areas for improvement
Activate Pair-share analysis Using your last lesson observation discuss in pairs where opportunities were missed in terms of effective questioning and/or how you could have improved your questioning
Time to plan - in your classroom Demonstrate Use the lesson planning form and available resources to plan effective questioning into your lesson. Talk it through with your partner.
Consolidate Reflection/Feedback Have you addressed your area for improvement? [Yes/No/To an extent?] Consider one strategy/technique that you feel you can now easily employ in your lessons
Objectives To know your strengths and limitations when using questioning To be able to develop your range of questioning techniques/strategies To understand how to utilise this information to improve your questioning Outcomes To develop your questioning repertoire To generate a lesson plan to use with a class applying your improved questioning techniques/strategies
Post-it www ebi
Living Likert scale – where do you stand? I think deindividuation theory helps us to understand human aggression. I think deindividuation is a more valid theory than SLT Strongly disagree Strongly agree
Weight of Evidence Do children learn aggression? Does Bandura’s research provide sound evidence for the viewpoint of SLT? Is Social Learning Theory a good explanation for why humans are aggressive? 1 Strongly agree 3 Undecided 5 Strongly disagree 2 Agree 4 Disagree