Course Variations on a Theme: Strengthening the Quantitative Reasoning of First-Year Students Mija Van Der Wege Carleton College The Psychology of Numbers: A Fair and Balanced Look at Statistical Reporting
The Plan Course Context Course Objectives Course Topics Course Assignments Lessons Learned
Course Context First-year, first-term seminar Discussion oriented Writing rich Focused on introducing students to college-level thinking and skills
Course Objectives Learn about scientific hypothesis testing, conditional probability, a sense of orders of magnitude, and experimental design Learn about psychological representations and processing of numbers Practice effective use of numbers in rhetorical argument Develop a habit of mind of critiquing numerical evidence
Course Topics Autism Epidemic Case Study Methods and Statistics Writing with Numbers Cognitive Representations of Number Framing and Response Biases Ethics
Course Assignments Numbers in the News Critically Reading Journalistic Reports of Research Comparing Journalistic Reports to Primary Sources of Research Writing about Primary Sources of Research Numbers in the News Magazine
Lessons Learned Approaches to numbers (Joel Best) The Naive The Cynical The Critical Communication Appreciation for perspective and bias in writers Appreciation for perspective and bias in readers Creating a habit of mind
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