GUIDED READING P-12 Loddon Mallee Region
Revisit Shared Reading In your head, think - what have you stopped doing what have you started doing and what has stayed the same? Share with a partner Comments?
22 nd June 9 – 11 am Here to support Book with Penny
GUIDED READING Description The teacher and a small group of their students purposefully talk, read and think their way through a common text, working collaboratively.
LITERACY ELEMENTS Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading SPEAKING & LISTENING OBSERVATION & ASSESSMENT Write Aloud Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing
GUIDED READING Description The teacher and a small group of students purposefully talk, read and think their way through a common text, working collaboratively.
GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction Teachers: group and regroup students using ongoing observation and assessment carefully plan strategic reading instruction and explicitly teach small groups of students select texts appropriate for the common instructional needs of the group promote active engagement in thoughtful group discussion Time scheduled daily - each group approx. 20 minutes
GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Instruction (Continued) Teacher prompts and assist students to: engage in text orientation and activate prior knowledge, connections and thinking deepen comprehension develop prediction skills and understanding of the reading and writing processes use other students to help solve problems question ideas of the author ask questions a reader asks when reading
Guided Reading is NOT Round Robin Reading Taking in turns to read Reciprocal reading/teaching Silent reading and completing comprehension questions A group of students working together on the same text without their teacher A group of students working with another adult Staying in the one group all year or term
Decisions Who are we going to work with? (Grouping) What are we going to teach them (focus) What are we going to use? (Texts)
Decisions Focussed, deliberate observations Independent Reading Conferences Reading Response Journals Observations during whole class sessions Previous Guided reading sessions On Demand: Adaptive, Linear or Progress reports Teaching for Strategies Shoulder talk
How do we identify an instructional focus? Guided Reading Observations Ondemand: Adaptive Linear Progress reportOndemand: Adaptive Linear Progress report Reading Response Journal Classroom observations Other formative assessments Independent Reading Conferences Teaching for Strategies
GUIDED READING Classroom Indicators- Resources Adequate variety of texts in multiple copies - a set of 6 copies and an additional copy for the teacher Naplan and Aim books Write Time for Kids cards Catching onto Comprehension pages Sets of guided reading books Newspaper articles Maps Diagrams
What are the other students doing? The rest of the class is actively engaged in reading that they can do without support. They are practising Reading independently Working on reading tasks which reinforce a prior teaching focus Working on texts to practise comprehension strategies Working on texts to practise reading strategies Responding to texts they have read or are reading Listening to quality literature being read aloud
How Do We Select Appropriate Text? Based on instructional focus and knowledge of students in group Text needs to be appropriate to students’ learning needs, backgrounds, interests, experiences Text may have links to current topic study Usually a new text for students, but may be re-visited for a specific purpose Text at an appropriate level: no more than 5-10 difficulties in every 100 words
We need to Plan
Planning needs to include What are the supports that this text provides? What are the challenges? Strategies: Within the text – solving words, searching and using information, summarising, searching and using information Beyond the text – predicting, making connections, inferring, synthesising About the text – analysing, critiquing Ref: Fountas and Pinnell
Framework Introducing – Building common background knowledge Reading – text is broken into stopping points Discussing – continual – students need to learn protocols Teaching – every teachable moment
Does it look different across year levels? Guided Reading 1 2.VOB Guided Reading 1 2.VOB Guided Reading Year
Reference Breakthrough Fullan Hill and Crevola Literacy Teaching and Learning in Victorian Schools [Paper No 9] Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Fountas and Pinnell Effective Literacy Practice 1-4 and 5-8 NZ Ministry of Education Victorian Essential Learning Standards DEECD