Welcome to Key Stage 1 Year 1 - Miss Kings, Mrs Donnelly & Miss Dakin Year 2 – Miss Haig, Mrs Burns & Mrs Hall
Routines School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:15pm. Breakfast club is from 8:20am Teacher on duty on the playground from 8:40am Morning playtime is at 10:30am Lunchtime is from 11:50am until 1:00pm Afternoon playtime is flexible lasting for 15 minutes between 2:00-2:30pm Assembly every morning at 9:10am Friday Achievements Assembly at 9:10am – parents welcome
Daily Routine Morning: 20 minutes Letters and Sounds (phonics) across base before literacy in class. 20 minutes Numbers and Patterns (maths) across base before maths in class. Afternoon: Topic work – history, geography, science, RE, PSHE. Music, art, design technology, ICT and PE. Handwriting and guided reading
Daily Routine Year 1 Autumn Term Morning: Literacy 2 guided groups per day while others play based learning through independent activities which may or may not be literacy linked. Maths 2 guided groups per day while others play based learning through independent activities which may or may not be maths linked. Afternoon: minute topic input before 1/2 guided group activities (cross curricular writing/maths based topic work). Rest of class play based learning activities independently. Art/DT, ICT, music and PE are whole class activities
Daily Routine Year 1 Play Based Activities Role-play Area - linked to topic with maths and literacy activities part of this Reading Area – free choice books, puppets, building words, phonic games Writing Area – e.g. Free writing, colouring, jigsaws, construction to develop fine motor skills Craft Area – cut and stick/collage, playdough, junk modelling, painting Maths Area – numicon, bead strings, peg boards, shape patterns
What your child will need School uniform – black or grey trousers or skirt, white or pale blue top and navy cardigan, sweater or fleece. In the summer girls may wear blue and white gingham dresses. Items with the school logo can be purchased from the office but aren’t compulsory. Please label. PE kit – shorts, t-shirt, jogging bottoms, trainers, no jewellery – to be kept in school all week. Please label. Year 2 Swimming Kit – summer term only. Indoor shoes – plimsolls to be changed into daily. Bookbag – to be brought in daily, books will be changed at least weekly (more regularly if 1:1 readers).
Things to remember Free school meals for all children to the end of key stage 1. Applying for Free School Meals and pupil premium. Milk – complete the form for the next term, must be paid for a term in advance. Fruit – available daily at playtimes Water fountain in base. Medication – please keep the class teacher and office informed about any medical conditions. Please complete a form and have any medication clearly labelled. Medicines are kept securely in the office apart from asthma inhalers which are kept in a medical box in base.
Topics for the year Autumn Term Rules and targets (1 week) All about me (6 weeks) Anti-Bullying (1 week) Ted Travels (6 weeks) Christmas (1 week) Spring Term Space (5 weeks) – including an in Space day Aspirations (1 week) The Great Fire of London (5 weeks) Easter (1 week) Summer Term In the Jungle (5 weeks) Safari (5 weeks) Transition (1 week)
Homework Daily reading Weekly spellings Topic Project - to be shared at the end of the topic in an afternoon sharing event
Assessments Year 1 Phonic Screen – 32/40 pass rate reading real and nonsense words e.g. need to be working around 1Secure in reading and reading book level 17 to pass this. Year 2 SATs – Reading, Writing and Maths – expected to be working at 2Secure at the end of year 2.
Keeping everyone informed We have monthly school newsletters. Letters will be sent out about upcoming events. Texts may be sent as reminders or to inform you about whole school events. Our school website will have information about work in year 1 and 2 and key events. Please speak with the class teacher if you have any questions or need to tell us something. We are always available on the cloakroom / classroom door at the start and end of the day or you can arrange a meeting with us after school. Thank you for listening. We look forward to getting to know you better next year.