Reintegration Issues Facing Returning Veterans Caring for Veterans with Post-Deployment Health Concerns: Past, Present and Future Reintegration Issues Facing Returning Veterans Caring for Veterans with Post-Deployment Health Concerns: Past, Present and Future Ron Teichman, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM Associate Director – Clinical, Education and Risk Communication War Related Illness and Injury Study Center VA New Jersey Health Care System – East Orange, NJ
We have learned… Veterans need help learning to access the VA system What services are available How to register VA not only for the seriously wounded Who can help
We have learned… The VA needs help understanding this cohort of Veterans Very consumer savvy population – Think Nordstrom’s not K-Mart Print is out – texting, podcasting, YouTube, Facebook are in
We have learned… There is still a huge stigma attached to asking for mental health evaluations and services Difficulties with concentration and memory are common Young and beginning life and careers, including law enforcement Tough to ask for help in the best of circumstances Including a MH evaluation removes the stigma
We have learned… New Veterans don’t know what they are entitled to and they don’t/won’t read large stacks of print material They were given information at a time and in a setting that was not conducive to their receiving the information They weren’t told via their media of choice
We have learned… REINTEGRATION is a tremendous issue for these Veterans and many are struggling mightily with it. Physical and mental health Support systems Communications Financial and employment issues Educational options Legal problems Driving difficulties
We have learned… Our multi-disciplinary comprehensive clinical evaluation, which focuses on the individual Veteran can be: Rehabilitative Normalizing Reassuring Therapeutic
The bottom line… The DoD spends a great deal of time and effort on training these men and women to behave a certain way in order to survive in a combat theater. They are then returned to their civilian lives with no training on how to transition back into a setting where many of those same life saving behaviors, impulses and reflexes are inappropriate, illegal or even hazardous.
Think about driving skills… Think about walking down the street and noticing people watching you… Think about being at work or school and remaining focused on the same task for a protracted period of time without allowing peripheral events to distract you…
We do not come home from war. We come home with war.
Thank you