(1.) What are the key objectives of the Howard League for Penal Reform? 2
(2.) What are some of its main campaigns? raise the profile of, confidence in and use of community sentences reduce the use of imprisonment as prison is an ineffective way of reducing crime protecting and safeguarding the rights of children in the criminal justice system improve the care and treatment of young adult offenders (18-24 years) in custody and on release highlight the issues facing women in the penal system 3
(3.) What have been the core recent outcomes of its work? 4
(4.) What are the key activities of the Plymouth University Howard League Student Society 5
(4.1) Talks and visiting speakers-Jeremy Whittle (Resettlement UK) and Martin Wright (restorative justice) 6
(4.2) Visiting criminal justice agencies- Ashfield YOI and ISIS Women's Project 7
(4.3) The Howard League Student Conference
(5.) Active involvement in Howard League campaigns 9
(6.) Enhancing students employability skills and community engagement newsletter june