October 16, 2008 Mr. Michael Shaw Director National Coordination Office National Space-Based PNT Advisory Board
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Overview 2008 EXCOM Work Plan Advisory Board Tasking – Mar 07 Way Ahead 2
PNT Adv Board 10/16/ Work Plan Status EXCOM approved Work Plan in Aug 07 –Has a total of 61 action items 44 Original Actions; 17 Action Items added since Aug 07 –Status reported monthly to Executive Steering Group Will review: –Accomplishments since Mar 08 Advisory Board –Actions to be completed by end of year 2008 Work Plan provides the foundation for a smooth transition to the next administration 2008 Work Plan provides the foundation for a smooth transition to the next administration
PNT Adv Board 10/16/ Work Plan has a total of 61 action items 42 Completed (69% Closed) 19 Remaining (31% To Go) -- 11Overdue -- 2At Risk -- 6 On Schedule Work Plan Status Y G R
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 5 Key Accomplishments since last Advisory Board meeting in Mar 08 Released DHS public fact sheet on Interference Detection and Mitigation (IDM) Plan – Apr 08 Held Joint Staff/DOT GPS Requirements Summit -- Apr 08 AF awarded GPS III-A Contract – May 08 Held Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) GNSS Innovation Summit in Bangkok, Thailand – May 08 DOC solicited and received public comments on proposed semi- codeless transition plan – Jun 08 USCG renewed USG GPS commitment letter to IMO – Jul 08 DOT completed transfer of $7.2M FAA and FHWA FY08 funding to AF for civil contributions to GPS III – Aug 08
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 6 Key Accomplishments since last Advisory Board meeting in Mar 08 DoD/DOT completed National PNT Architecture Report – Sep 08 Introduced Legislation to authorize/institutionalize DOC support to NCO/EXCOM (H.R. 6935/§3504) – Sep 08 DoD published final Federal Register Notice on civil access to Semi-Codeless – Sep 08 Announced plan to put CNAV Data on L2C in 2009– Sep 08 NASA and NOAA Agreements signed with Japan to support QZSS monitoring sites in Hawaii and Guam – Sep 08 Released updated 4 th Edition of the GPS Standard Positioning Service Performance Standard – Sep 08
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 7 GPS SPS PS UPDATE COMPARISON OF GPS SPS PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS GPS Performance Standard Metric SPS Signal Specification August 1998 (user performance) SPS Performance Standard October 2001 (signal in space) SPS Performance Standard September 2008 * (signal in space) 1 Global Accuracy All-in-View Horizontal 95% All-in-View Vertical 95% ≤ 100 meters ≤ 156 meters ≤ 13 meters ≤ 22 meters ≤ 9 meters ≤ 15 meters 2 Worst Site Accuracy All-in-View Horizontal 95% All-in-View Vertical 95% ≤ 100 meters ≤ 156 meters ≤ 36 meters ≤ 77 meters ≤ 17 meters ≤ 37 meters 3 User Range Error (URE)NONE ≤ 6 meters RMS (Constellation RMS URE) ≤ 7.8 meters 95%, (Worst Satellite URE) equivalent to 4 m RMS 4 Geometry (PDOP ≤ 6) ≥ 95.87% global ≥ 83.92% worst site ≥ 98% global ≥ 88% worst site ≥ 98% global ≥ 88% worst site 5 Constellation AvailabilityNONE ≥ 98% Probability of 21 Healthy Satellites in 24 primary slots ≥ 98% Probability of 21 Healthy Satellites in 24 primary slots; ≥ % Probability of 20 Healthy Satellites in 24 primary slots; * Green color indicates improvement in U.S. Government commitment to GPS civil service
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Actions to be completed by End of 2008 NASA to renew Charter for Advisory Board – Oct 08 DoD/DOT to sign updated MOA on Civil Use of GPS – Oct 08 FAA to publish Wide Area Augmentation Performance Standard – Nov 08 DOT/DoD/DHS to publish the 2008 Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP) – Nov 08 State/NASA to host meeting of International Committee on GNSS at NASA JPL in Pasadena – Dec 08 DHS to complete update to Vulnerability Studies – Dec 08 8
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Overview 2008 EXCOM Work Plan Advisory Board Tasking – Mar 07 Way Ahead 9
PNT Adv Board 10/16/ Advisory Board Topics Leadership Strategic Engagement and Communication Future Challenges 10
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Leadership: Recommend areas where GPS and its augmentations can be made more competitive a)Near Term: Examine navigation-communications services for civil applications, including the issues related to safety critical certification requirements, the overall business case, technical feasibility, and analyses of potential alternatives b)Medium Term: Review and prioritize future GPS III satellite capabilities, expanded ground segment capabilities, and/or regional augmentations that would provide the greatest improvement and value relative to increased benefits to the global user community at reduced risk and cost c)Long Term: Identify actions that would enhance long-term economic and regulatory stability for the development of GNSS capabilities and services in the national and international arenas 2007 Advisory Board – Topic 1 11
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Strategic Engagement and Communication: Recommend ways to promote and demonstrate current and future capabilities of GPS and its augmentations to the US and international communities a)Near Term: Develop options for promoting GNSS capabilities for domestic and foreign audiences b)Mid Term: Identify actions the USG could take in international organizations, standards setting bodies, and/or foreign capitals to prevent attempts to mandate the exclusive use of any one GNSS system in specific geographic areas c) Long Term: Propose approaches for maintenance and improvement of GPS's leadership and acceptance around the world 2007 Advisory Board – Topic 2 12
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 Future Challenges: Assess technology and market trends as the number of worldwide GNSS providers increase a)Near Term: Recommend steps agencies should take to achieve spatial interoperability – Including harmonization of common grid operations that would be used to identify locations and coordinate time- critical operations b)Mid Term: Assess the implications to the USG public sector and overall U.S. economy of multiple GNSS providers c)Long Term: Propose approaches on commercial trade issues to ensure a level playing field in the space-based PNT market place (i.e. prevent adverse restrictions) 2007 Advisory Board – Topic 3 13
PNT Adv Board 10/16/08 14 Way Ahead Work continuing on EXCOM 2008 Work Plan Future EXCOM Meeting – 5 Nov 08 –Advisory Board Report –Last EXCOM of this Administration NCO completing Administration Transition Book –If desired, Advisory Board can contribute input