Marine Freshwater Estuary Swamps and Marshes Ocean Zones Aquatic Biomes Marine Freshwater Estuary Swamps and Marshes Ocean Zones
Marine All of Earth’s bodies of salt water Can you name our oceans?
location 70% of Earth’s surface Oceans Salt Lakes estuary
Zones- from shallow to deep Intertidal Zone- Where ocean meets land High wave energy Few plants- algae, phytoplankton Animals- shorebirds, worms, snails, crabs- burrowers Neritic Zone- Just beyond intertidal Light reaches bottom Plants- seaweed, phytoplankton Animals- fish, sea turtles, squid, coral, jellyfish, grouper
Zones- Oceanic Zone-Deep ocean Benthic Zone- bottom Dark at bottom- no sun past 200 m Most cold and dark Plants- none at depths and no photosynthesis Animals- marine mammals, lg fish, sharks Benthic Zone- bottom Just above ocean floor Dark/cold Sea stars, worms, sponges,
Other Facts/Info?
Estuary Can be considered a type of marine environment Mix of fresh and salt water Inlet, lagoon, harbor, saltmarsh Act as nursery and buffer to mainland Plants- algaes, marsh grasses, mangrove trees Animals- crabs, fish, shrimp, oysters, clams, water birds
Freshwater Lake- larger, longer lasting, fed by rivers or springs Ponds- smaller, can be temporary Rivers- moving, change as go along, mouth, headwater Streams- smaller than rivers but same idea as rivers Plants- cattails, mosses, Animals- insects (larvae), bass, water birds, otter, amphibians, frogs, turtles
Wetlands Areas that are covered by water at least part of the year Cross between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems Marsh, swamp, bog Temporary or permanent Plants- cypress, grasses, cattails, water lillies, pitcher plants Animals- alligators, wading birds, fish, snakes, turtles, frogs