Seagrass restoration in Little Lagoon May 2 nd and 3 rd 2009 Bart Christiaen
What are seagrasses? flowering plants salt water ShoalgrassWidgeongrassTurtlegrass
Why are they important? Food & shelter
Why are they important? sediment stabilization input organic matter sediment chemistry
Problem: worldwide decline seagrass declines reported since 1970 (Short & Echeverria 1996)
Underlying cause...
For example: in Florida Population increase Decrease in seagrass cover
Mechanism Direct effects: prop scarring, construction,...
Mechanism Indirect effects: shading
What can we do? Government: protection of existing beds regulation of dredging, watershed development,... Citizens: responsible boating
What can we do?
If water quality is sufficient Seagrass restoration
Seagrass restoration in Little Lagoon
Not as simple as it looks Notoriously high failure rate You’ve got to do it right!
Site selection Site selection based on water quality, sediment, exposure to wave energy,... NE corner of Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge, near the Jeff Friend Trail
Method selection & test Best candidate for restoration: shoalgrass
Method selection & test Appropriate method: transplantation % survival shoalgrass plugs weeks % survival
Method selection & test
It works = bigger scale!
But... Seagrass transplantation is a lot of work
We need help When? → 2 nd & 3 rd May of 2009 → in the morning Where? → parking lot of Jeff Friend Trail What? → short demonstration → planting together with students from Dauphin Island Sea Lab → knee deep – waist deep water
We need help If you want to volunteer, please contact Dennis Hatfield Bart Christiaen THANK YOU
If you have any questions Please ask!