Significant Anthropologists Louis, Mary Leaky Jane Goodall Franz Boaz Margaret Mead
Louis and Mary Leakey Credited with discovering physical evidence to support the evolutionary timeline (uncovered Australopithecus and Homo Hablis) Experimented with stone age tools to discover how our ancestors hunted for food. Believed the study of primates could lead to a greater understanding of early humans. Proved that the earliest humans lived in Africa.
Jane Goodall Born: 3 April 1934, Birthplace: London, England, Died: n/a Worked directly with the Leaky family Her specialty was living with and understanding the language and behaviour of chimps – Chimps not strictly vegetarian – Chimps make and use tools – Chimps have a developed social structure Her famous work is an example of the participation/observation method View the short interview with Jane Goodall: – 6-hh49mU 6-hh49mU – Documentary: Wild Chimpanzees
Franz Boas Born: 9-Jul-1858, Birthplace: Minden, Germany, Died: 22-Dec-1942 Established a link between anthroplogy and ethnology (the study of origins, similarites and differences between race and culture.) Disagreed with earlier anthropologists arguing that cultures should be judged based on their own standards and values NOT Western ones.
Margaret Mead Born: December 16, 1901, Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Died: November 15, 1978 Proposed that an individual’s personality was influences by the society in which s(he) lives Gender roles vary from culture to culture Introduced concept of nature versus. nurture
Thinking/Inquiry Which anthropologist made the most significant contribution and why?