Vanessa Craige and Mariana Jurado
How does membership on the United Nation’s Human Rights Council affect the distribution of foreign aid?
Countries that serve on the Human Rights Council are more likely to receive foreign aid Human Rights Council Logo
Membership on HRC Foreign Aid Received
Voeten Werker Alessina and Dollar OECD Data Hug and Lukács
Nigeria (1967) Africa’s leading oil exporter 2 nd largest contributor of military troops for UN peacekeeping missions Chairman of UN Special Committee against South African apartheid Egypt (1967) Strategic location (Suez Canal) Leading non-OPEC member oil producer in Africa South Africa (1997) Largest economy (in terms of GDP) in Africa Greatest energy consumption in Africa
7400 observations, 573 variables 132 countries from Independent Variable Dependent Variable Foreign Aid Received Membership on the Human Rights Council
No correlation!
How do nations get onto the Council?