SM1205 Interactivity Kong Chuiliu/Vera
What I have learnt in this course: In this course I have learnt the development and basic theories of interactive media, I have also experimented interactive media through a graphical program called Pure Data. After learning th e following aspects, I know how to design and create interactiv e media works. *Framestein *Hardware control *Video processing in Gem *3D graphics in Gem *Motion tracking in Gem *Audio in Gem
What I have done in this course: Keyboard & VJ Visual Capture Game
Keyboard & VJ
Technical Setup PD & Framestein—add special effects Hardware— make two swords and a zither as the keyboard You can use “keyboard” to change different videos and visual effects as a VJ.
Make the “keyboard”— a zither and 2 swords
The three red wires of zither and the metal piece can form loops when pressed down, which also can be taken as a “bang” in PD. zither
A naked metal wire is fixed on the edge of one sword and there are three naked metal wires coiled around the round body of another sword. The wires can form electronic loop when the two swords get in touch with each other. The principle is similar with zither. swords
Pd Structure PD can be seen as a link between hardware and video show
Show You can see the show on Youtube Click it please
Visual Capture Game Bug Battle
Technical Setup Motion tracking— capture movement Gem— create a 3D space 3D model— to create bugs Pd audio— sound effect Multimedia— various visual elements
Design the game
Pd Structure
Test and debug the game
The flow path and user interface
Users' experience
Thank you Kong Chuiliu/Vera