Data Admin home page
New (unmatched) record
Identity record
Simple and advanced search
Create identity from new record #1
Create identity from new record #2
Create identity from new record #3
Delete new record
Match a new record with an existing identity #1
Match a new record with an existing identity #2
Match a new record with an existing identity #3
Match a new record with an existing identity #4
Hiding a record from public view
Splitting a record from an identity #1
Splitting a record from an identity #2
Splitting a record from an identity #3
Splitting a record from an identity #4 This process will: create a new identity (including new NLA party id) from the split record create a new identity (including new NLA party id) from the record(s) remaining in the old identity notate the old identity (old NLA party id) with reference to the two new identities