Marjo Moonen Healthy Food for All #foodpovconf
Food Poverty The inability to afford or access healthy food
Food poverty is an issue for all of us Health Educational performance Social participation
10% of people in Ireland are living in food poverty
5x Croke Park
Not all affected equally Households on low income Lone parent households Households headed by an unemployed person
Children are especially vulnerable of children in Ireland are going to school or to bed hungry, as there is not enough food in the home 21%
Food Poverty in Children 13% of school children never eat breakfast on a weekday 1 in 4 children live in a jobless household 1 in 4 nine-year olds are overweight or obese
Addresses Food Poverty on the island of Ireland Focus on low-income families
Our work Policy & Networking Community School Initiatives School Food Initiatives
The policy arena
Food for Ireland (a policy) Involvement of all stakeholders To engage with us & work together on a national food policy for Ireland
Parallel sessions Main Lecture HallMews Building Session 1 11: :45 AffordabilityAccessibility Session 2 11: :20 AvailabilityAwareness 12:20 - 1:15 Panel Discussion After the break