Copepods in a warming climate: A pan-regional model of Arctic and Northwest Atlantic systems PIs: Davis, Ji, Beardsley, Chen Goal: To better understand the biological-physical mechanisms that determine how global warming affects populations of key marine zooplankton species in the Arctic - NW Atlantic regions.
Approach Merge NWA and AO physical models via a global model grid Extend lower food web model across pan-regional domain Generate present and future (e.g 2050) environmental conditions. Determine copepod species population growth potential Use an IBM to examine transport and behavior on distributions Develop a evolutionary IBM for a generic copepod to determine selection of optimal life history traits under existing and future (warm) conditions across the pan-regional domain.
IPCC Seasonal Temperature Projection: 2009
IPCC Seasonal Temperature Projection: 2080
Gulf of Maine Population Growth Potential Development rate Ratio Pseudocalanus : Centropages typicus Belehradek functions Temperature Development Rate (d -1 ) Ctyp Pcal Ctyp Summer Spring Month