South Tyrol - a case study1 20 th century - overview 1919 Treaty of St. Germain, annexation by Italy 1939 Option 1946 Gruber- De Gasperi Agreement 1957 „Los von Trient“ South Tyrol before UN 1948 First Autonomy Statute negotiations Commission of “19” 1969 "Package" 1972 New Autonomy Statute 1992 Formal Conflict Settlement Fascist Oppression Protests, terror 1 st Autonomy regional basis Implementation "Dynamic" aut. 2 nd Autonomy
South Tyrol - a case study2 Population City of Bozen/Bolzano 26,62 72,59 0,79 Population TotalBzBrxMe Census ,1526,47 4,37 German(+ 1,16) Italian(- 1,18) Ladin(+ 0,01) % Census ,36 27,65 67,99
South Tyrol - a case study3 The "Model" and its Different Levels “Foreign“ affairs and external relations (kin-State, CBC, EU, …) Integration into the State Autonomous powers Group-relations within the autonomous entity Content: Negotiations and special procedures (joint commissions) Consensus and cooperation Mechanisms of control Process and procedures: Compromise: Recognition of (cultural) differences Autonomy as (internal) self-determination Subdivision and delimitation of spheres of influence
South Tyrol - a case study4 Group rights in South Tyrol Cultural autonomy Parity of languages Veto rights Proportional principle Art. 2 Autonomy-Statute In the region all citizens are granted equal rights, regardless of the linguistic group to which they belong, and their respective ethnic and cultural characteristics are safeguarded.
South Tyrol - a case study5 Minority Protection and Autonomy Functional dimension Participation, co-resonsibility Integration Principle of territoriality Multilevel governance Individual vs. Collective Rights ? "Tolerance established by law" Segregation, defensive character Protection of persons Sovereignty Frequent exchange between majority- and minority-positions "Mix" and balance of fundamental principles
South Tyrol - a case study6 Lessons to be learned "institutionalised" forms of cooperation, power sharing and proportional representation, compromise across ethnic cleavages, increased inter-ethnic interaction political conditions economic situation international anchoring dimension of time South Tyrol Case-specific factors of success internationalized conflict de-escalation single procedures (time-frame, joint commissions, enactment norms) The Process "Mix" of segregation and integration (within the autonomous entity) coexistence: + living together: legally guaranteed distance between the groups, segregationist character