Introduction on School Focus
Flexible Use of Learning Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:25-8:50Assembly /Class Period CLASS PERIOD 18:50-9:30Regular Lessons 29:30-10:10Regular Lessons 310:10-10:50Regular Lessons 10:50-11:05RECESS 411:05-11:45 Regular Lessons 511:45-12:25 12:25-1:00LUNCH 1:00-1:15LUNCH RECESS 61:15-1:50 Regular Lessons Project Learning/ CCA 71:50-2:25 82:25-3:00 Reading/ Electives (P.1& P.2) 3:10-3:50 ILSG/ Electives (P.3-P.6) 3:10-4:00POST LESSON ACTIVITIES
Flexible Use of Learning Time Re-adjustment of class period Morning assembly every Monday Project learning during CCA lessons One lesson is assigned for reading every Friday 40 lessons per week
Revised Number of Lessons
periods per week 40 periods per week Two lessons for Chinese One lesson for English One lesson for Mathematics One lesson for Reading
Major Concerns of the Year Promoting a Chinese Learning Environment Promoting reading to learn Cultivating perseverance in pupils