Data Warehousing INSC 60040: Managing Information Technology
What is Data Warehousing Are central repositories of integrated data from one or more disparate sources. They store current and historical data and are used for creating analytical reports for knowledge workers throughout the enterprise. sources: wikipedia, and
History 1970s - Data Marts for Retail Sales Data warehouse term coined Database management system developed Software developed to allow for Data warehouse Textual disambiguation developed source: wikipedia
Does Data Warehousing Add Value? ● Creates a permanent storage space to support business intelligence functions ● Better than “direct access” business intelligence ● Allows businesses to do more with less resources ● Translates mass amounts of data into a format that is current and easy to understand ● Enables business to analyze trends, opportunities and problems with greater ease Schmarzo, 2014Guerra & Andrews, 2013
Best Practices ● Environment ● Architecture ○ Keep separate from Transactional Database (OLTP), Data Mart (OLAP) ○ (Can be) Same software, (Probably) Different Schema Design ● Data Integrity ○ Physical vs. Logical (Entity, Referential, SSOT) ● Normalization ● Optimization ○ All the above, plus a little more RAM ● Source Control ● Change Control
Disadvantages of Data Warehousing Cost/Benefit Reasons for wanting DW Costly and Long upfront implementation (decimal places, gender notations..ect) Sensitive Information limit what employees can run queries & limit the value Costly to make Changes in data types and ranges, data source schema, indexes and queries. (upgrades) Source:
Company Utilization & Outlook What’s in a name? Cloud Based Systems Redshift IBM’s DashDB MS Azure SQL Adaptability vs Necessity Hadoop & Open Source Replacement vs Complement Data Lakes - Buzzword or threat
Questions?Thank you. References: 1. Guerra, Joseph & Andrews, David. (2013). Why You Need a Data Warehouse. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/01/ Why-You-Need-a-Data-Warehouse.pdf content/uploads/2014/01/ Why-You-Need-a-Data-Warehouse.pdf Schmarzo, Mark. (November, 2014). Dynamic Duo Of Analytic Power: Business Intelligence Analyst Plus Data Scientist. Retrieved from