How important were buffalo and horses to the Plains Indians? What were the key features of the lives and culture of the Plains Indians? How important were buffalo and horses to the Plains Indians? Starter: How many words can you make from ‘buffalo’ and ‘horses’? Learning Objectives: To compare the reliance on the buffalo with the importance of horses
Recap… Revise… Refresh… Explain why the Sioux were so dependant on the Buffalo Describe one Sioux method for hunting Buffalo List 5 uses the Sioux had for the Buffalo Recap… Revise… Refresh… The Buffalo Hunt by John Mix Stanley, 1855;
BRAIN Tanning (mashing it up and spreading it on the hide to make it waterproof). RAWHIDE Belts, shields, all types of bags and containers, horse harness and travois lashing, ropes, string. TANNED HIDE Tepee covers, robes, moccasins, leggins, clothes, saddle blankets, bags, dolls. TAIL Fly swats, ornaments. DUNG Fuel (known as buffalo chips). SKULL Tool for de-hairing rope, used in religious ceremonies. What is missing? HORNS Cups, spoons, ladles, headress ornaments, toys, arrow straighteners. HAIR Rope, decoration on clothing, stuffing for saddles and pillows. STOMACH Cooking vessel, buckets. TONGUE Hairbrush, food. MUSCLE SINEWS Bowstrings and thread. BONES Knives, tools, arrow heads, saddle frames, needles, slege runners, dice. FLESH Meat eaten raw (usually the tongue and liver, or cooked, or dried and eaten during the winter when hunting was harder). FUR Winter robes, sleeping blankets, clothing. FAT Soap, cooking. HOOVES Glue, tools, rattles.
How did the Plains Indians hunt the buffalo?
‘When the buffalo are extinct, the Indian too must dwindle away.’ Writing task A white American, Francis Parkman, spent some time living with the Ogala Sioux in the 1840s. When he returned he wrote a book, The Oregon Trail. In it he said, ‘When the buffalo are extinct, the Indian too must dwindle away.’ Do you agree with him? Explain your answer. Discuss two or more points of view Include evidence or examples from your previous learning Explain your answer with your opinion
How did the Plains Indians get horses? How did the Plains Indians use horses?
How important were horses? Date Tribe Tipis Indians Horses 1860 Blackfoot 300 2400 1869 Comanche 2538 7614 1871 Crow 460 4000 9500 Oglala and Brule Sioux 600 5000 2000 Pawnee 260 2364 1050 1878 Hunkpapa/Miniconjou Sioux 360 2900 3500 Which tribe was the largest? Which tribe had the most sources? For each tribe, work out the ratio of horses to Indians. Which tribe was the richest? How important were horses to the Plains Indians?
How do you feel about your learning today? Learning Outcomes: Can you explain several reasons why the buffalo and horses were important to the Plains Indians? What went well today? What would you like to do better next lesson?