The Sioux and Cheyenne By Emily Vaughn and Lance Brown
The Sioux Indians ate buffalo, fish, corn, squash, beans, and wild rice. They hunted the buffalo, fished for fish. They farmed for corn, squash, and beans. They gathered wild rice.
The Cheyenne ate buffalo, deer, squash, corn, and beans. The men hunted deer and buffalo. The woman harvested corn, squash, and beans.
The Sioux live in teepees. Teepees were made to set up and break down easily. Teepees are made of long thin poles that are tree trunks. Then women from a triangle with the tree trunks. Next they drape about 18 buffalo hides over the tree trunks and that is how the Sioux make a teepee.
The Cheyenne lived in teepees. The teepees are made of buffalo hides and long poles. They set the poles up in a triangular form then they drape the buffalo hides over the poles.
Sioux women wore long deer skin or elk skin dresses. The men wore breech clothes, leggings, and buck skin shirts. Both wore moccasins. In bad weather they wore buffalo-hide robes. They made these out of buffalo hide, deer skin, and elk skin. Sioux warriors and chiefs wore impressive feather war bonnets.
The Cheyenne women wore deer and elk skin dresses. The Sioux men wore breechcloth pants and deer skin shirts. They used deer and elk skins to make the clothes.
The Sioux fought with the white settlers. When they complain to the U.S. government they ordered the army to move them to a reservation. This was negative because most of the white settlers died and the Sioux lost their land.
The Plains Indian tribes fought but instead of fighting over land they fought to prove their courage.
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