Sentences and Questions This game includes present and past tenses. The aim of the game is to match the questions to the sentences. Print the pages. Laminate them and cut along the dotted lines. How to play Divide the group into two teams or pairs. Each team or pair receives one set of sentences (e.g. page 2) and one set of questions (e.g. page 3). Each team or pair has to match the questions to the sentences, for example: ‘Daniel helps his mother wash the dishes every day’ – ‘Who helps his mother?’ ‘When does Daniel help his mother?’ (present simple). The team or pair that finishes its questions and sentences correctly, is the winner. Debiz Grammar – Present and Past Tenses
Daniel helps his mother wash the dishes every day. Daniel is helping his mother wash the dishes now. Daniel helped his mother wash the dishes yesterday. Daniel was helping his mother was the dishes at 9pm. Sentences
Who helps his mother? When does Daniel help his mother? What is Daniel doing? When did Daniel help his mother? Questions Who is helping his mother now? Did Daniel help his mother? Was Daniel helping his mother at 9pm? What was Daniel doing at 9pm?
She swims in the sea every summer. She is swimming in the sea today. She swam in the sea last summer. She was swimming in the sea when it started to rain. Sentences
When does she swim in the sea? What does she do every summer? What is she doing? Who swam in the sea? Questions Is she swimming in the sea today? What did she do last summer? Was she swimming in the sea when it started to rain? Where was she swimming when it started to rain?
The students study English every Monday. The students are studying English now. The students studied English last week. The students were studying English all morning. Sentences
When do the students study English? What do the students study? What are the students studying? When did the students study English? Questions Who is studying English? Did the students study English? What were the students studying all morning? Who was studying English?
The dog always eats its food The dog is eating its food at the moment. The dog ate its food last night. The dog was eating its food while we were drinking our coffee. Sentences
What always eats its food? What does the dog always do? What is the dog doing? What did the dog eat? Questions Is the dog eating at the moment? When did the dog eat? What was the dog doing while we were drinking? Who was drinking?