Joint BPS and ESS/ITS ATC/AFC Subcommittee Process February 13, 2008
2 Free Template from 2 Joint BPS and ESS/ITS Dynamics Common terms with different meanings Significant regional operational difference result in multiple interpretations of the requirements Team wants to dive into details (we’re behind schedule so let’s roll-up our sleeves and get busy) Best document possible (considerable time spent on editing the document) Re-thinking previously agreed to changes in language (new motions to revise approved language) New participants joining in the middle of the recommendation development process (education process/readdress issues) Lack of documentation on previous decisions (different perceptions on what the subcommittee agreed to include/not include in the revised business practices/recommendation)
3 Free Template from 3 Suggestions to the BPS & ESS/ITS Streamline the comment process Enforce limits on discussion Posting documents in a timely manner Educating new participants (outside of meeting) Use sub-team approach Additional support from NAESB staff Longer meetings if needed More meetings (take some ESS/ITS time slots) Have NAESB leadership participate in meetings Set up exploder lists for BPS and BPS&ESS/ITS
4 Free Template from 4 Future Approach for Recommendation Structured Development Approach: –Agree to recommendation concepts Review 890, 890-A General consensus of scope Conceptual documents, work papers –Draft recommendation (done outside of meeting) –Subcommittee reviews/revises draft recommendation –Informal comment period (done outside of meeting) –Consolidate comments (done outside of meeting) –Subcommittee responds to informal comments/revises recommendation –Second round informal comments – discretion of subcommittee based on the extent of changes to recommendation –Subcommittee responds to informal comments/revises recommendation –Final review – vote out of subcommittee Schedule WEQ Annual Plan items for specific meetings –Meetings will be extended if meeting objectives are not met Approach is aggressive and iteration of early activities may impact schedule Optional