Five Themes of Geography
I Five themes of geography A. Geography Study of people, Their environment Their resources
Five Themes of Geography 1.Location 2.Place 3. Human environment / interaction 4. Movement 5. Region
I Location A. Relative Location 1. Described by: landmarks, Time, Distance, Direction 2. May associate one place with another
B. Absolute Location 1. Latitude and Longitude 2. Street Address
II Place A. Human characteristics 1. Buildings, Roads, Clothes, Food, Habits A. Human characteristics 1. Buildings, Roads, Clothes, Food, Habits
II Place B. Physical characteristics 1. Mountains, Soil, Beaches, Wildlife B. Physical characteristics 1. Mountains, Soil, Beaches, Wildlife
IV Human/Environmental Interaction A.Humans change the environment, B.Sometimes nature changes it back 1. humans adapt to the environment 2. humans modify the environment A.Humans change the environment, B.Sometimes nature changes it back 1. humans adapt to the environment 2. humans modify the environment
IV Human/Environmental Interaction A.Humans change the environment. B.Sometimes nature changes it back. 3. humans depend on the environment A.Humans change the environment. B.Sometimes nature changes it back. 3. humans depend on the environment
III Movement A. Travel B. Trade A. Travel B. Trade
III Movement C. Information flows via: , phones D. political events C. Information flows via: , phones D. political events
V Region A. Formal Regions 1. Governmental or Administrative boundaries Examples: San Diego, California, U.S., Mexico A. Formal Regions 1. Governmental or Administrative boundaries Examples: San Diego, California, U.S., Mexico
B. Functional Regions 1. Defined by a function Examples: 858 area code, zip code, S.D. Union Tribune service area
C. Vernacular regions 1. Loosely defined by people’s perceptions Examples: The South, The Middle East 1. Loosely defined by people’s perceptions Examples: The South, The Middle East